#771: RAOP streams are delayed
  Reporter:  takkat  |       Owner:  coling                   
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new                      
 Milestone:          |   Component:  module-raop-*            
Resolution:          |    Keywords:  streaming airport express

Comment(by coling):

 What it's labelled as really has no bearing whatsoever so feel free to
 call it what you want :)

 It is fully intensional that the silence is transmitted as without it, the
 APEX gets into a strange state and we can no longer reconnect to it
 without restarting PA. Even unloading and reloading the module isn't
 enough. It's all rather strange. So sending silence keeps the connection
 open and thus allows us to use it.

 Also the timing methodology is totally basic. It uses the buffer of the
 APEX itself to implement flow control where as we should really be feeding
 it data in real time. This is all complex stuff.

 There is also a much more accurate timing model available in the Airtunes
 v2 protocol, but it's not fully understood or reverse engineered yet. Some
 work has been done to get it working but the results still cause choppy
 sound at present.

 It's all work in progress, but as a lot of it is guess work it's a very
 slow process. If you'd like to help out with reverse engineering the
 protocol and such like, please let me know and I'll put you in touch with
 the right people.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/771#comment:5>
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