Issue #7428 has been updated by Michael Stahnke.

Target version changed from 2.7.1 to 2.7.x

Bug #7428: Puppet cert fails on 1.9.2 with wrong number of arguments

Author: Cody Herriges
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: ruby19
Target version: 2.7.x
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.0rc1
Keywords: certificate cert 1.9

    ody@orihime:[~]% rvm use 1.9.2                                            
-- INSERT --
    Using /Users/ody/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180
    ody@orihime:[~]% sudo envpuppet puppet cert --trace --list                
-- INSERT --
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application/cert.rb:42:in `block (2 
levels) in <class:Cert>'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:358:in `block (2 levels) 
in parse_options'
`block in parse_in_order'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:365:in `parse_options'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application/cert.rb:212:in `parse_options'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:303:in `block (2 levels) 
in run'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:411:in `hook'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:303:in `block in run'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:402:in `exit_on_fail'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/application.rb:303:in `run'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/lib/puppet/util/command_line.rb:61:in `execute'
    /Users/ody/gits/puppet/bin/puppet:4:in `<main>'
    Could not parse options: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)

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