Hi Markus,

On 27/02/11 19:54, Markus Roberts wrote:
> B --
> Thoughts:
> 1) Wow.
>> +    def enable
>     +      raise "Probe already enabled" if enabled?
>     +      method = @method
>     +      label = @label
>     +      data = @data
>     +      klass.class_eval {
>     +        alias_method("instrumented_#{method}", method)
>     +        define_method(method) do |*args|
>     +          begin
>     +            instrumentation_label = label.respond_to?(:call) ?
>     label.call(self, args) : label
>     +            instrumentation_data = data.respond_to?(:call) ?
>     data.call(self, args) : data
>     +          
>      Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.start(instrumentation_label,
>     instrumentation_data)
>     +            send("instrumented_#{method}".to_sym, *args)
>     +          rescue => e
>     +            raise
>     +          ensure
>     +            Puppet::Util::Instrumentation.stop(instrumentation_label)
>     +          end
>     +        end
>     +      }
>     +      @enabled = true
>     +    end
> 2) Would you get a more useful stack-trace without the rescue? 

Actually the first version didn't had the rescue, but I had some issues
and I wanted to print the exception, it apparently escaped the garbage

Now, I thought that a straight raise would rethrow the exception without
touching it, or am I wrong?

In any case, this is easy to change :)

Now that you talk about, I should begin/rescue the instrumentation code
on front and in the ensure, because the thing we really don't want is to
crash puppet with the instrumentation code :)

> 3) And is there a race condition on @enabled?

Theorically yes, but in this scheme you can only enable all probes or
disable them all at once. And this looks protected.

>     +    def disable
>     +      raise "Probe is not enabled" unless enabled?
>     +      method = @method
>     +      label = @label
>     +      data = @data
>     +      klass.class_eval do
>     +        alias_method("instrumented_#{method}", method)
>     +        remove_method("instrumented_#{method}".to_sym)
>     +      end
>     +    end
> 4) Should you set @enabled = false somewhere in here?

Yes, I should :)

>     +  def self.clear_probes
>     +    INSTRUMENTED_CLASSES.synchronize {
>     +      INSTRUMENTED_CLASSES.clear
>     +    }
>     +  end
> 5) Do you want a:
>        nil # do not leak our probes to the exterior world
> on clear_probes as well as on each_probes?

Actually, clear_probes is only called in test, but you're right.
And there's some other place (like the listeners) that also leak some
internal instances to the indirector.

Thanks for your comments!
Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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