> >        validate do |value|
> >          raise Puppet::Error, "number has to be numeric, not #{value}"
> unless value =~ /^[0-9]+$/
> > -        raise Puppet::Error, "number #{value} out of range" unless
> (0...2**16).include?(Integer(value))
> just out of curiosity: Will (0...2**16) generate just a huge array with
> include? beeing extreamly slow or does ruby handle ranges of integers
> differently?

It's good.  Ranges aren't arrays (you can convert them to arrays, but it
doesn't happen implicitly); they are two element structures (a low
value/high value pair).  That allows you to do things like 1.14..3.14, and
5..-1 which wouldn't work as arrays.  As for the performance aspect, go into
irb and try:

    (0..2**2000).include? 1234

It comes back immediately without prompting you to purchase more ram.  :)

It definitely pays to be on the lookout for things like this because small
differences in idiom can (like the case in rails a few years ago
http://kevin.scaldeferri.com/blog/, or our make-and-throw-away-arrays issue
in rest #6257) be significant performance hits, so thanks for asking.

-- M
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles,
scream and shout. -- 1920's parody of the
maritime general prudential rule

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