Hopefully someone here can help - having issues for days now w.r.t.
trying to get a dependency working inside a defined resource type...
here's the verbatim type as it exists currently (note that I've
re-arranged a lot of this multiple times to try different things, ie:
before, require, autorequire inside custom type definition, etc etc...
nothing so far has worked)...


(Ignore the potentially clunky organization, I'm still new to puppet)

Main question: *should* a require parameter used this way to refer to
another resource in the same defined type work, as I'm obviously
expecting it to, or have I missed something/is this known to be
broken/not working/was never supposed to work/etc... ?

FYI, I've tested the require functionality itself inside a basic test
node, and it all works the way it should afaict, except here... the
behaviour I'm seeing in the defined type usage in the pastebin
manifest is that the require is totally ignored... ie: no matter what
I do, I haven't been able to get puppet to recognize that there's a
dependency there... the resource just executes without the required
package, then errors when it gets to the dependant spot...

puppet v2.7.1
ruby v1.9.2p180
centos 5.6
kernel 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5xen - x86_64

Rudy X. Desjardins
pgp: 96FFA628

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