We completed a number of tasks that allow us to run the facter and spec
tests on Windows as part of our continuous integration system[1]. All of
the tests now pass on Windows Server 2008 R2, with exception of tests
that are marked as fails_on_windows. These tests are known to fail
because we have not yet implemented the necessary providers, e.g. user
provider[2], or due to bugs that have been identified and are in our
backlog to fix. See #8663, #8381, #8392 for more details.

The host provider now works on Windows (#8644). This was fairly trivial
to implement. One thing to be aware of, however, is that under 2008, the
hosts file can only be written to when running with elevated privileges. In
other words, you have to "Run as administrator".

The facter and puppet install.rb scripts now default their config
directory to the "ProgramData" known folder[3] on Windows (#8660). On
2003 and prior this corresponds to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data,
and on Vista and later this corresponds to
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData. The full path of the "conf" directory is then

The vcsrepo type and providers have been reverted from puppet core as
they are available as a separate module.

We have changed our preferred method for making contributions to using
GitHub pull requests. We will still be accepting changes via 'rake
mail_patches', etc. See CONTRIBUTION.md[4] for more details. Also note
that you do not need to resubmit patches that were made via rake

Completed items:

 * #8663 - Get spec tests running on Windows (Planned for: Telly)

 * #8392 - Confine master tests to not run on Windows (Planned for:

 * #8644 - Host provider on Windows (Planned for: Telly)

 * #8660 - Change default install directories on Windows (Planned for:

Current backlog:

 * #8740 - Puppet resource file is broken

 * #8408 - Local user provider for Windows

 * #8409 - Local group provider for Windows

 * #8439 - Basic facter on Windows

 * #8414 - Task scheduler type/provider for Windows

 * #8410 - Exec provider for Windows

 * #8411 - File type working on Windows

 * #8412 - MSI package provider for Windows

 * #8413 - Ability to run Puppet as an agent on Windows

[1] https://jenkins.puppetlabs.com

[2] https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/8408

[3] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd378457(v=vs.85).aspx

[4] https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

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