
Please review the pull request #151: Ticket/2.7.x/9027 groupadd aix warning opened by (joshcooper)

Some more information about the pull request:

  • Opened: Mon Oct 03 18:08:51 UTC 2011
  • Based on: puppetlabs:2.7.x (214b92979b1c789fac1c6cc1fa4df9cf8d5f3158)
  • Requested merge: joshcooper:ticket/2.7.x/9027-groupadd-aix-warning (9c25af46a9b55e1878b80aa2738216622cb8e9ef)


Usage of the groupadd provider was leading to spurious log messages of
this form:

info: /Group[developer]: Provider groupadd does not support features
manages_aix_lam; not managing attribute ia_load_module

This was due to the ia_load_module parameter requiring manages_aix_lam
and additionally having a defaultto value of "compat."

This fix is the same as was done for the useradd provider in commit
49c5152 and issue #7137.

The Pull Request Bot

Diff follows:

diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/group.rb b/lib/puppet/type/group.rb
index f3cc97e..9ad420b 100755
--- a/lib/puppet/type/group.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/group.rb
@@ -107,8 +107,6 @@ module Puppet
     newparam(:ia_load_module, :required_features => :manages_aix_lam) do
       desc "The name of the I&A module to use to manage this user"
-      defaultto "compat"
     newproperty(:attributes, :parent => Puppet::Property::KeyValue, :required_features => :manages_aix_lam) do


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