wearetherob...@puppetlabs.com wrote:
> Please review pull request #243: maint/2.7.x - the little indirector
> cleanup that didn't <https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/243>
> opened by (daniel-pittman)
> Description:
> A little over a year ago the first step in a series, planned to clean up
> the indirector, was committed to the tree. It extracted some of the
> mixin behaviour of indirection and replaced it with access through an
> explicit accessor for the indirection class.
> The plan itself was good, but delivery never came, and for the last year
> we have carried the burden of this partially completed work - a burden
> of incompatibility between the 2.6 and 2.7 series, and a burden of extra
> ceremony every time an indirected model was touched.
> This series undoes that change, and performs some minor cleanup to get
> this back into a pleasant and easy to use - and 2.6 compatible - form.
> In the event we do decide to again go down the path of the cleanup, this
> is not too onerous to extract again. In reality, the odds are that the
> form of the cleanup would, today, be different to the form a year ago as
> more of the code has moved, and the overall architecture is no longer
> envisioned the way it once was.
> There are no substantial functional changes in this, but there are some
> minor cleanups to unify interactions with terminus configuration in the
> model classes, and to ensure that we have less ways to do the same thing
> overall.

So if I can summarize?  You now don't need to add the extra .indirection
method when calling the Indirector that you suddenly had to using 2.7?
Is that correct?


James Turnbull
Puppet Labs
To schedule a meeting with me: http://tungle.me/jamtur01

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