Please review pull request #127: This comments out all but the UpgradePuppet step in the pe_upgrade dir opened by (justinstoller)


This is totally a sledge hammer kind of fix, but the issue is:
CI will be run with snapshots that are ensured to have known good
setups, skipping based on the --vmrun option would be the best for CI

Locally many will be able to use this as is if they also have known
good snapshots.

I also try to automate as much as I can locally testing PE pre-2.0.
The changes that I'd like to introduce to automate those builds are
not trivial and keeping these files is helpful for my work in that area.

NOTE: This works for me locally with a similar (but not exact) workflow
to CI. It should work in CI.

  • Opened: Wed Feb 01 21:53:01 UTC 2012
  • Based on: puppetlabs:master (3a118201ba57a5efa48872e1cac4e19b684e1ff7)
  • Requested merge: justinstoller:sledgehammer (2adbf86e791f5fc935267d31b4125a26946619a5)

Diff follows:

diff --git a/setup/pe_upgrade/01_PE-InstallPuppet.rb b/setup/pe_upgrade/01_PE-InstallPuppet.rb
index 20c19d1..742514e 100755
--- a/setup/pe_upgrade/01_PE-InstallPuppet.rb
+++ b/setup/pe_upgrade/01_PE-InstallPuppet.rb
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
 # PE upgrader test
-version  = options[:upgrade]
-test_name "Install Puppet #{version}"
-hosts.each do |host|
-  platform = host['platform']
-  # hack-o-rama: this is likely to be fragile and very PE 1.0, 1.1 specifc:
-  # Tarballs have changed name rhel- is now el- and affects package naming
-  # change el- to rhel- to match the old tarball naming/paths.
-  # It gets worse, of course, as Centos differs from RHEL as well
-  unless version =~ /^1\.2/
-    if platform =~ /el-(.*)/ and 'cent'
-      platform = "centos-#{$1}" 
-    elsif platform =~ /el-(.*)/ and 'rhel'
-      platform = "rhel-#{$1}" 
-    end
-  end
-  host['dist'] = "puppet-enterprise-#{version}-#{platform}"
-  long_name = Dir.glob("/opt/enterprise/dists/pe#{version}/*")[0]
-  basename = File.basename(long_name)
-  ext = basename.match(/tar.*/).to_s
-  unless File.file? "/opt/enterprise/dists/pe#{version}/#{host['dist']}.#{ext}"
-    Log.error "PE #{host['dist']}.#{ext} not found, help!"
-    Log.error ""
-    Log.error "Make sure your configuration file uses the PE version string:"
-    Log.error "  eg: rhel-5-x86_64  centos-5-x86_64"
-    fail_test "Sorry, PE #{host['dist']}.#{ext} file not found."
-  end
-  step "Pre Test Setup -- SCP install package to hosts"
-  scp_to host, "/opt/enterprise/dists/pe#{version}/#{host['dist']}.#{ext}", "/tmp"
-  step "Pre Test Setup -- Untar install package on hosts"
-  on host,"cd /tmp && tar xf #{host['dist']}.#{ext}"
-# Install Master first -- allows for auto cert signing
-hosts.each do |host|
-  next if !( host['roles'].include? 'master' )
-  step "SCP Master Answer file to #{host} #{host['dist']}"
-  scp_to host, "tmp/answers.#{host}", "/tmp/#{host['dist']}"
-  step "Install Puppet Master"
-  on host,"cd /tmp/#{host['dist']} && ./puppet-enterprise-installer -a answers.#{host}"
-# Install Puppet Agents
-step "Install Puppet Agent"
-hosts.each do |host|
-  next if host['roles'].include? 'master'
-  role_agent=FALSE
-  role_dashboard=FALSE
-  role_agent=TRUE     if host['roles'].include? 'agent'
-  role_dashboard=TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'dashboard'
-  step "SCP Answer file to dist tar dir"
-  scp_to host, "tmp/answers.#{host}", "/tmp/#{host['dist']}"
-  step "Install Puppet Agent"
-  on host,"cd /tmp/#{host['dist']} && ./puppet-enterprise-installer -a answers.#{host}"
+#version  = options[:upgrade]
+#test_name "Install Puppet #{version}"
+#hosts.each do |host|
+#  platform = host['platform']
+#  # hack-o-rama: this is likely to be fragile and very PE 1.0, 1.1 specifc:
+#  # Tarballs have changed name rhel- is now el- and affects package naming
+#  # change el- to rhel- to match the old tarball naming/paths.
+#  # It gets worse, of course, as Centos differs from RHEL as well
+#  unless version =~ /^1\.2/
+#    if platform =~ /el-(.*)/ and 'cent'
+#      platform = "centos-#{$1}" 
+#    elsif platform =~ /el-(.*)/ and 'rhel'
+#      platform = "rhel-#{$1}" 
+#    end
+#  end
+#  host['dist'] = "puppet-enterprise-#{version}-#{platform}"
+#  long_name = Dir.glob("/opt/enterprise/dists/pe#{version}/*")[0]
+#  basename = File.basename(long_name)
+#  ext = basename.match(/tar.*/).to_s
+#  unless File.file? "/opt/enterprise/dists/pe#{version}/#{host['dist']}.#{ext}"
+#    Log.error "PE #{host['dist']}.#{ext} not found, help!"
+#    Log.error ""
+#    Log.error "Make sure your configuration file uses the PE version string:"
+#    Log.error "  eg: rhel-5-x86_64  centos-5-x86_64"
+#    fail_test "Sorry, PE #{host['dist']}.#{ext} file not found."
+#  end
+#  step "Pre Test Setup -- SCP install package to hosts"
+#  scp_to host, "/opt/enterprise/dists/pe#{version}/#{host['dist']}.#{ext}", "/tmp"
+#  step "Pre Test Setup -- Untar install package on hosts"
+#  on host,"cd /tmp && tar xf #{host['dist']}.#{ext}"
+## Install Master first -- allows for auto cert signing
+#hosts.each do |host|
+#  next if !( host['roles'].include? 'master' )
+#  step "SCP Master Answer file to #{host} #{host['dist']}"
+#  scp_to host, "tmp/answers.#{host}", "/tmp/#{host['dist']}"
+#  step "Install Puppet Master"
+#  on host,"cd /tmp/#{host['dist']} && ./puppet-enterprise-installer -a answers.#{host}"
+## Install Puppet Agents
+#step "Install Puppet Agent"
+#hosts.each do |host|
+#  next if host['roles'].include? 'master'
+#  role_agent=FALSE
+#  role_dashboard=FALSE
+#  role_agent=TRUE     if host['roles'].include? 'agent'
+#  role_dashboard=TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'dashboard'
+#  step "SCP Answer file to dist tar dir"
+#  scp_to host, "tmp/answers.#{host}", "/tmp/#{host['dist']}"
+#  step "Install Puppet Agent"
+#  on host,"cd /tmp/#{host['dist']} && ./puppet-enterprise-installer -a answers.#{host}"
diff --git a/setup/pe_upgrade/02_PE-SignCerts.rb b/setup/pe_upgrade/02_PE-SignCerts.rb
index 88063a4..dd52ab4 100755
--- a/setup/pe_upgrade/02_PE-SignCerts.rb
+++ b/setup/pe_upgrade/02_PE-SignCerts.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 # Agents certs will remain waiting for signing on master until this step
-step "PE: Puppet Master Sign all Requested Agent Certs"
-hosts.each do |host| 
-  # Master auto signs its own cert on startup
-  next if host['roles'].include? 'master'
-  on master, puppet("cert --sign #{host}") do
-    assert_no_match(/Could not call sign/, stdout, "Unable to sign cert for #{host}")
-  end
+#skip_test "don't have an upgrade option defined" unless options[:upgrade]
+#skip_test "no install selected assuming you've snapshotted at a point passed this" if options[:noinstall]
+#step "PE: Puppet Master Sign all Requested Agent Certs"
+#hosts.each do |host| 
+#  # Master auto signs its own cert on startup
+#  next if host['roles'].include? 'master'
+#  on master, puppet("cert --sign #{host}") do
+#    assert_no_match(/Could not call sign/, stdout, "Unable to sign cert for #{host}")
+#  end
diff --git a/setup/pe_upgrade/03_PE-SignDashbaordCerts.rb b/setup/pe_upgrade/03_PE-SignDashbaordCerts.rb
index 99e4f9d..bc81fb5 100644
--- a/setup/pe_upgrade/03_PE-SignDashbaordCerts.rb
+++ b/setup/pe_upgrade/03_PE-SignDashbaordCerts.rb
@@ -2,42 +2,42 @@
 # This step sets up certificates for the case
 # when the dashbaord is split up from the puppetmaster
-role_master = FALSE
-role_agent = FALSE
-role_master_dashboard = FALSE
-dashboard_host = nil
-# figure out if we have a master, dashboard, and if they are installed on the same machine
-hosts.each do |host|
-  # collect the hosts that correspond to these roles
-  role_master_dashboard = TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'master' and host['roles'].include? 'dashboard'
-  if host['roles'].include? 'dashboard'
-    dashboard_host = host
-  end
-  role_master=TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'master'
-  role_agent=TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'agent'
-# we are only testing when we have a dashboard and master on different machines
-# and only if the dashboard has an agent installed on the same machine
-skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if we are starting with a version of 1.2 or later" and break if options[:upgrade] =~ /^1\.0|1\.1/
-skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if we have a puppet master" and break unless role_master
-skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if we have a dashboard" and break unless dashboard_host
-skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if dashboard and master are not installed on the same node" and break if role_master_dashboard
-skip_tests "This test expects that the dashbaord has an agent installed" and break unless agents.include? dashboard_host
-test_name 'Set up certificates when the dashboard and master are on seperate nodes.'
-#  set up certs if we have a dashbaord with an agent
-# this represents the manual steps that have to be run when the dashboard
-# and puppet master are installed on different machines.
-step 'set up dashboard certificates'
-# send dashboard csr
-on dashboard_host, 'cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard; PATH=/opt/puppet/sbin:/opt/puppet/bin:$PATH rake --trace RAILS_ENV=production cert:request'
-# sign dashboard cert
-on master, puppet("cert --sign dashboard")
-# retreive dashboard cert
-on dashboard_host, 'cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard; PATH=/opt/puppet/sbin:/opt/puppet/bin:$PATH rake --trace RAILS_ENV=production cert:retrieve'
-step 'retrieve inventory service certificate.'
-on dashboard_host, "/opt/puppet/bin/ruby /opt/puppet/bin/receive_signed_cert.rb #{dashboard_host} #{master}"
-step 'start puppet master and inventory service'
-on dashboard_host, '/etc/init.d/pe-httpd start'
+#role_master = FALSE
+#role_agent = FALSE
+#role_master_dashboard = FALSE
+#dashboard_host = nil
+## figure out if we have a master, dashboard, and if they are installed on the same machine
+#hosts.each do |host|
+#  # collect the hosts that correspond to these roles
+#  role_master_dashboard = TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'master' and host['roles'].include? 'dashboard'
+#  if host['roles'].include? 'dashboard'
+#    dashboard_host = host
+#  end
+#  role_master=TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'master'
+#  role_agent=TRUE if host['roles'].include? 'agent'
+## we are only testing when we have a dashboard and master on different machines
+## and only if the dashboard has an agent installed on the same machine
+#skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if we are starting with a version of 1.2" and break if options[:upgrade] =~ /^1\.2/
+#skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if we have a puppet master" and break unless role_master
+#skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if we have a dashboard" and break unless dashboard_host
+#skip_test "Only need to set up multi-node certs if dashboard and master are not installed on the same node" and break if role_master_dashboard
+#skip_tests "This test expects that the dashbaord has an agent installed" and break unless agents.include? dashboard_host
+#test_name 'Set up certificates when the dashboard and master are on seperate nodes.'
+##  set up certs if we have a dashbaord with an agent
+## this represents the manual steps that have to be run when the dashboard
+## and puppet master are installed on different machines.
+#step 'set up dashboard certificates'
+## send dashboard csr
+#on dashboard_host, 'cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard; PATH=/opt/puppet/sbin:/opt/puppet/bin:$PATH rake --trace RAILS_ENV=production cert:request'
+## sign dashboard cert
+#on master, puppet("cert --sign dashboard")
+## retreive dashboard cert
+#on dashboard_host, 'cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard; PATH=/opt/puppet/sbin:/opt/puppet/bin:$PATH rake --trace RAILS_ENV=production cert:retrieve'
+#step 'retrieve inventory service certificate.'
+#on dashboard_host, "/opt/puppet/bin/ruby /opt/puppet/bin/receive_signed_cert.rb #{dashboard_host} #{master}"
+#step 'start puppet master and inventory service'
+#on dashboard_host, '/etc/init.d/pe-httpd start'


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