----- Original Message -----
> From: "Daniel Pittman" <dan...@puppetlabs.com>
> To: puppet-dev@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 6:17:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [Puppet-dev] Hiera should have an save API
> On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 09:31, Kelsey Hightower
> <kel...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> > I'm thinking of adding a new save API to Hiera. The idea is that
> > Hiera
> > should provide an iterface for saving data, which should make it
> > easy for
> > front-end tools to interact with backends that support saving data.
> Why does it make it any easier than having tools with already know
> about their back-end semantics directly managing that data?  It has
> substantial limitations (eg: no user concept, no credentials, and no
> way to determine the appropriate set based on the back-end.)

This has been my main concern too and why I never implemented anything like this
in the first place - I think the data being queried is best modelled elsewhere.
The data is best created at the time when you classify a node in that same UI -
hiera should query that data but not know too much about the visual aspects of

This would be usable for small installs who just use the json/yaml backends and
have no node classification system (other than maybe hand editing these files
and using hiera_include or something).  People who are already happy to just
hand hack JSON/YAML anyway.

Having to know the hierarchy on the CLI isn't that great an experience and 
is typing complex data like hashes, arrays and such.

In mcollective I can type complex data on the CLI because the DDL describes the
data - I know when you typed "1" that it should be a number or a boolean and I
convert that for you.  Hiera has no data description, its free form so even with
a face or whatever it just would be limited use - soon you'll be editing JSON
or YAML again to represent arrays of hashes, thats wrong.

> It doesn't document anything of substance about the API: will save be
> fast or slow?  Can save deadlock?  How does it differentiate
> different operations on the same key?  How do I determine the hierarchy - or 
> do
> I need to implicitly know that to use this?

This is impossible to answer - the save API has no idea about the backends.

We *could* in theory extend backends to provide all these answers through some
kind of flag about the backend but I do not think we should.

Backends are easy to write and understand and so people do actually write them
vs some other plugins we might have like providers or types.  It's a pretty thin
line. Its a case of could but imo should not.

> I have no idea how it works across machines.  Can I use this from the
> dashboard when that is installed on a different machine to the
> master?
>  How do changes propagate after `save` is called when I have multiple
> masters?
> It also makes it impossible to use this in any meaningful UI: there
> is
> absolutely no mechanism to determine what the failure was.  Did we
> fail because we got the hierarchy wrong, or the backend wrong, or
> something else failed?  Should I just retry, or give up?
> > Do people think this is a good idea? I see this as a foundational
> > bit for
> > building UI's on top of Hiera.
> The principal is reasonable, but this isn't even close to a proposal
> for a save API that works in the real world.

I would love to see a solution for this but its deceptively hard to do
and I think ultimately better solved by exposing a REST API into your
dasbhoard/foreman/etc where you have RBAC and the other points you

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