----- Original Message -----
> From: "R.I.Pienaar" <r...@devco.net>
> To: puppet-dev@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 6:22:15 PM
> Subject: [Puppet-dev] creating a class with resources in it dynamically
> hello,
> I want to be able to do create a bunch of resources inside a class
> ie. a bit like create_resources with with the additional step of
> also creating the class.

I think I go this working to a point I can play with my idea:

  node "default" {
       compiler = scope.compiler
       main_stage = compiler.catalog.resource(:stage, :main)

       klass = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new("class", "dynamic", :scope => 
       klass.scope.resource = klass

       compiler.catalog.add_edge(main_stage, klass)

       date = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:exec, "/bin/date", :scope => 
       date[:refreshonly] = true
       compiler.add_resource(klass.scope, date)

       require "pp"

    notify{"X": notify => Class["dynamic"]}

This creates a class called "dynamic" on the fly, adds it to the main stage,
add a refreshonly exec to the class and finally notifies the class from the
normal puppet resource that notifies it, the refreshonly exec runs as expected

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