----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jens Braeuer" <braeuer.j...@gmail.com>
> To: puppet-dev@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 10:13:09 AM
> Subject: [Puppet-dev] How I use the Ruby DSL (and I would like to keep it)
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to show my usage of the Ruby DSL. I use this in Production
> and together with Hiera this has been very helpful to me.
> The main reason for me to use the DSL, was Puppets lack of support for
> data structures. Maybe I am missing something here, so alternative
> solutions are very welcome.
> I am sad to see the deprecation of the Ruby DSL with no new alternative
> being available. (New Ruby DSL was just removed from 3.1.0-RC2).
> So here we go... I want to configure OpenVPN with per-client IPs. This
> is to work around the lack of multicast on CloudProviders. So I would
> like to have name/ip-pairs that I can iterate over. The name and number
> of clients changes from staging to production, so I made these hiera keys.
> This is my hiera keys:
> ----
> openvpn.network:
> openvpn.netmask:
> openvpn.server.name: puppetmaster.grid.prod.example.com
> openvpn.server.ip:
> openvpn.clients:
>   - name: app0.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app1.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app2.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app3.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app4.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app5.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app6.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
>   - name: app7.grid.prod.example.com
>     ip:
> -----
> Now follows the OpenVPN module (in parts). Let me know if you'd prefer
> gist or something else.
> clustervpn/manifests/server.pp
> -----
> class clustervpn::server( $openvpn_clients=hiera("openvpn.clients"),
>                           $openvpn_network=hiera("openvpn.network"),
>                           $openvpn_netmask=hiera("openvpn.netmask")) {
>   $configdir = "/etc/openvpn"
>   $sourcedir = "puppet:///modules/vpn/keys/"
>   <some parts removed>
>   file { "$configdir/server.conf":
>     content => template("clustervpn/server.conf.erb"),
>     owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644,
>     notify => Service["openvpn"]
>   }
>   file { "$configdir/ccd":
>     ensure => directory,
>     owner => root, group => root, mode => 0755,
>   }
>   ->
>   clustervpn::clientconfigs { "ccd":
>     clients => $openvpn_clients,
>   }
>   service { "openvpn":
>     ensure => running,
>     enable => true,
>     require => Package["openvpn"],
>   }
> }
> ------
> Now the "clustervpn::clientconfigs" allows me to use the power of Ruby
> to iterate over the hash.
> clustervpn/manifests/clientconfigs.rb
> ------
> define "clustervpn::clientconfigs", :clients do
>   @clients.each do |client|
>     scope.find_resource_type 'clustervpn::clientconfig'
>     create_resource 'clustervpn::clientconfig', "#{client['name']}", {
>       :ip => client['ip']
>     }
>   end
> end
> -------

Did you look at the create_resources function in the puppet dsl?

It should let you just do:

   create_resources("clustervpn::clientconfig", $openvpn_clients)

if you just structured your hash like:

   {"app0.grid.prod.example.com" => {"ip" => ""},
    "app1.grid.prod.example.com" => {"ip" => ""}}

I am not a huge create_resources fan - its like eval() with all the same
issues, so you can also do:

   define clustervpn::create_users($data) {
         ip => $data[$name]["ip"]

   $clients = keys($openvpn_clients)

   clustervpn::create_users{$clients: data => $openvpn_clients}

This creates a helper define that takes the name of each client - effectively
that is an index into the $openvpn_clients data structure, it then creates
1 x clustervpn::clientconfig for each member of the data structure supplying
the ip address when needed.

Again this requires the data structure to be restructured like the one I showed
above in the create_resources example.

> As soon as Puppet language is enough I go back again. Here to define a
> single client config.
> clustervpn/manifests/clientconfig.pp
> -------
> define clustervpn::clientconfig($ip) {
>   file { "$clustervpn::server::configdir/ccd/$name":
>     owner => root, group => root, mode => 0644,
>     content => template("clustervpn/ccd.erb")
>   }
> }
> -------
> Let me add that I used hashes/arrays in a couple of places in Hiera.
> Common examples are hostname/ip, ip/port, username/password etc. I
> recently got my hands dirty with custom types, but I thing to the above
> outlined the Ruby DSL is much much lighter and straight forward.
> Cheers,
> Jens

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