
That looks like a great way of working around this requirement...

One quick q - how does '*provider.initialized?*' get set?

Other than that, looks great... Will start working up some code now :)


On 19 February 2013 01:47, Nan Liu <> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 3:21 AM, fatmcgav <> wrote:
>> On 18 February 2013 10:50, Andy Parker <> wrote:
>>> I just took a look and see that you got no responses on puppet-users.
>>> That is unfortunate :(
>>> On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Gavin Williams <>wrote:
>>>> Morning All
>>>> I posted this on Puppet-users a few days ago, but I thought i'd post it
>>>> on here aswell to get a Dev's view-point...
>>>> Firstly, apologies for the length of this post, however I thought it
>>>> probably most useful to fully outline the challenge and the desired
>>>> result...
>>>> Ok, so we're in the process of Puppetizing our Oracle/NetApp platform
>>>> for Live/DR running.
>>>> The current manual process, upon setting up a new database, a set of
>>>> volumes are created to contain the various Oracle DB elements, and these
>>>> are then SnapMirror'd to the DR site.
>>>> This SnapMirror process requires a period of time to copy the base data
>>>> over... This time period is directly relational to the amount of data
>>>> required... I.e. a copy of 20Gb may take an hour, 200Gb may take 10
>>>> hours...
>>>> During this period, the SnapMirror resource is in an 'initializing'
>>>> state. Once the data copy is complete, then the resource will change to an
>>>> 'initialized' state.
>>>> The next step in the process is then to break the relationship so that
>>>> the DR end can be used in a R/W mode...
>>>> Now, in order to Puppetize this, I need to be able to replicate the
>>>> above behaviour...
>>>> I've got Puppet to create and initialize the relationship, and that
>>>> works as expected. However Puppet doesn't currently care about the
>>>> relationship state. Now that's easy enough to add in as a new property
>>>> against the type/provider.
>>> Based on how you are describing this, I'm not sure that expressing it as
>>> a parameter is best. It sounds like you are describing a situation where
>>> there are a few states that you care about, but transitioning between those
>>> states requires sitting in other "non-interesting" states for a while.
>>> Describing the "non-interesting" states pushes the management of those
>>> state transitions outside of puppet and possibly makes them harder to work
>>> with.
>> Ok, that makes sense... Unless I do lots of masking and mapping of the
>> intermediate status' into something that Puppet knows, but again, that adds
>> complication etc...
>>>> However what I'm struggling to understand is how, or if it's even
>>>> possible, to automate the switch from 'Initialized' state to a 'Broken'
>>>> state upon completion of the initialization stage???
>>> Yeah. Normally puppet deals with achieving the desired state in a single
>>> run of puppet. So one possible solution is to have puppet block! I really
>>> don't think that in this situation that would be a good idea, since it
>>> would leave everything else on the machine unmanaged for an unknown length
>>> of time.
>> Yeh, we could be looking at transfer times of 24-48 hours on some of our
>> larger datasets, so wouldn't want Puppet blocking for that long a period...
> So just to explore this a bit. An ensurable resource by default have a
> present absent state, and the transition between them is pretty
> straightforward.
> present -> absent (def destroy)
> absent -> present (def create)
> I'm assuming present -> absent is short enough you can wait for the
> process to complete, so create is the only problematic state.
> For now the closest thing appears to be a transition state that fails
> (intending to block dependent resource):
> absent -> initializing -> present
> The custom ensurable block:
>   ensurable do
>     newvalue(:present) do
>       unless provider.initialized?
>         provider.create
>       else
>         provider.progress
>       end
>     end
>     newvalue(:absent) do
>       provider.destroy
>     end
>     newvalue(:initializing) do
>       provider.progress
>     end
>   end
> So when a resource is in an initializing state just report back the
> progress status and fail:
>   def progress
>     percent = File.stat(resource[:name]).size / 100.0
>     fail("Creation in progress #{percent}% complete.")
>   end
> Here's the output example:
> # initial create
> $ puppet apply tests/transition.pp
> err: /Stage[main]//Transition[/tmp/demo_a]/ensure: change from absent to
> present failed: Creation in progress 0.0% complete.
> notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[complete]: Dependency Transition[/tmp/demo_a]
> has failures: true
> warning: /Stage[main]//Notify[complete]: Skipping because of failed
> dependencies
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
> # in progress
> $ puppet apply tests/transition.pp
> err: /Stage[main]//Transition[/tmp/demo_a]/ensure: change from absent to
> present failed: Creation in progress 12% complete.
> notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[complete]: Dependency Transition[/tmp/demo_a]
> has failures: true
> warning: /Stage[main]//Notify[complete]: Skipping because of failed
> dependencies
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
> # finished:
> $ puppet apply tests/transition.pp
> notice: complete
> notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[complete]/message: defined 'message' as
> 'complete'
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
>   Now these databases definitions are currently driven from a YAML
>>>> backend which maintains information such as database name, volume
>>>> information, primary netapp controller, replication netapp controller,
>>>> etc... Currently, this YAML file is just a file on the puppet master...
>>>> However there are ambitions to move this into a more dynamic backend, such
>>>> as CouchDB or similar... So that opens the possibility to automatically
>>>> update the YAML resource state.. However Puppet still needs to be able to
>>>> support updating that backend based on the information it gets from the
>>>> actual resource...
>>>> So to flow it out:
>>>>    1. Create a new database in backend ->
>>>>    2. Puppet creates volumes on primary ->
>>>>    3. Data is added to volumes ->
>>>>    4. Backend updated to indicate replication is required ->
>>>>    5. Puppet creates volumes on Secondary and adds Snapmirror
>>>>    relationship ->
>>>>    6. Snapmirror initializes in background ->
>>>>    7. Puppet periodically runs against network device and checks
>>>>    resource state ->
>>>>    8. Backend resource state is updated following each run? ->
>>>>    9. Snapmirror initialization completes ->
>>>>    10. Puppet runs, detects new resource state and then triggers break?
>>>>    11. Backend resource state updated to 'broken'?
>>>> Now 1 to 7 above are fine, but 8 to 11 are where I get a bit unsure...
>>> I think you have most of the picture here. Puppet manages some of the
>>> transitions between states in order to get to that final "broken" state.
>>> Using defined resource types or parameterized classes won't get you there
>>> since the information about whether the next step of the management of the
>>> resource can be taken is on the node. As you said earlier, it is once the
>>> snapmirror process reaches the "initialized" state that puppet should
>>> finish its job.
>>> Since the data needs to come from the node, then there are a couple of
>>> choices:
>>>   * a custom fact: doesn't seem good since you would be encoding in
>>> facter the presence of particular resources
>>>   * an ENC the probes the Snapmirror system: seems doable, but once
>>> again encodes the presence of particular resources outside the manifests
>>>   * a custom type: probably the best solution, the replication itself is
>>> a kind of resource that you want to manage, and what needs to be done is
>>> heavily dependent on the current state and desired state of the resource
>>> So I would suggest creating a custom type and provider for a "replicated
>>> data" resource, or even try splitting it up into several different
>>> resources. Doing this will let you make the final transition without having
>>> to change the catalog.
>>> I'll admit, though, that puppet doesn't really have a concept of an "in
>>> progress" convergence of a resource, so I'm not sure how the report will
>>> work out for these kinds of resources. I suspect that it would show a
>>> change every time that puppet runs and the replication is still in progress.
> The problem is failing is a bit misleading. Certainly an interesting use
> case if we can mark the resource as pending and subsequent resources simply
> noop, but as it stands we can't do anything like this:
> $ puppet apply tests/transition.pp
> warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
> notice: /Stage[main]//Transition[/tmp/demo_a]/ensure: current_value
> absent, should be present Progress: 0.0 % (pending)
> notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[complete]/message: current_value absent,
> should be complete (noop)
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
> Andy, is this worth filing a feature request?
> Thanks,
> Nan
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