PuppetDB 1.5.0 is now available for download!  This is a new feature
release that contains a few bug-fixes as well.

## Downloads ##

Available in native package format at:
http://yum.puppetlabs.com and http://apt.puppetlabs.com

Puppet module:

Source (same license as Puppet): http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb/

# Documentation (including how to install):

# Issues can be filed at:

##  PuppetDB 1.5.0 Release Notes  ##

Notable features and improvements:

* (#21520) Configuration for soft failure when PuppetDB is unavailable

  This feature adds a new option 'soft_write_failure' to the puppetdb
  configuration.  If enabled the terminus behavior is changed so that if a
  command or write fails, instead of throwing an exception and causing the
  to stop it will simply log an error to the puppet master log.

* New v3 query API

  New `/v3` URLs are available for all query endpoints.  The `reports` and
  `events` endpoints, which were previously considered `experimental`, have
  been moved into `/v3`.  Most of the other endpoints are 100%
  with `/v2`, but now offer additional functionality.  There are few minor
  backwards-incompatible changes, detailed in the comments about individual
  endpoints below.

* Query paging

  This feature adds a set of new HTTP query parameters that can be used
with most
  of the query endpoints (`fact_names`, `facts`, `resources`, `nodes`,
  `reports`, `event-counts`) to allow paging through large result sets over
  multiple queries.  The available HTTP query parameters are:

     * `limit`: an integer specifying the maximum number of results to
     * `order-by`: a list of fields to sort by, in ascending or descending
        The legal set of fields varies by endpoint; see the documentation
        individual endpoints for more info.
     * `offset`: an integer specifying the first result in the result set
        should be returned.  This can be used in combination with `limit`
        and `order-by` to page through a result set over multiple queries.
     * `include-total`: a boolean flag which, if set, will cause the HTTP
       to contain an `X-Records` header indicating the total number of
results that are
       available that match the query.  (Mainly useful in combination with

* New features available on `events` endpoint

    * The `events` data now contains `file` and `line` fields.  These
      the location in the manifests where the resource was declared.  They
      be used as input to an `events` query.
    * Add new `configuration-version` field, which contains the value that
      supplied during the agent run.
    * New `containing-class` field: if the resource is declared inside of a
      Puppet class, this field will contain the name of that class.
    * New `containment-path` field: this field is an array showing the full
      path to the resource from the root of the catalog (contains an ordered
      list of names of the classes/types that the resource is contained
    * New queryable timestamp fields:
        * `run-start-time`: the time (on the agent node) that the run began
        * `run-end-time`: the time (on the agent node) that the run
        * `report-receive-time`: the time (on the puppetdb node) that the
report was received by PuppetDB
    * Restrict results to only include events that occurred in the latest
      for a given node: `["=", "latest-report?", true]`

* New `event-counts` endpoint

    `v3` of the query API contains a new `event-counts` endpoint, which can
    used to retrieve count data for an event query.  The basic input to the
    endpoint is an event query, just as you'd provide to the `events`
    but rather than returning the actual events, this endpoint returns
    of `successes`, `failures`, `skips`, and `noops` for the events that
    the query.  The counts may be aggregated on a per-resource, per-class,
    or per-node basis.

* New `aggregate-event-counts` endpoint

  This endpoint is similar to the `event-counts` endpoint, but rather than
  aggregating the counts on a per-node, per-resource, or per-class basis,
  it returns aggregate counts across your entire population.

* New `server-time` endpoint

  This endpoint simply returns a timestamp indicating the current time on
  the PuppetDB server.  This can be used as input to time-based queries
  against timestamp fields that are populated by PuppetDB.

* Minor changes to `resources` endpoint for `v3`

  The `sourcefile` and `sourceline` fields have been renamed to `file` and
  for consistency with other parts of the API.

* Minor changes relating to reports storage and query

  * `store report` command has been bumped up to version `2`.
  * Report data now includes a new `transaction-uuid` field; this is
    by Puppet (as of Puppet 3.3) and can be used to definitively correlate
a report
    with the catalog that was used for the run.  This field is queryable on
    `reports` endpoint.
  * Reports now support querying by the field `hash`; this allows you to
    data about a given report based on the report hash for an event returned
    by the `events` endpoint.

* Minor changes relating to catalog storage

  * `store catalog` command has been bumped to version `3`.
  * Catalog data now includes the new `transaction-uuid` field; see notes

Bug fixes:

* PuppetDB report processor was truncating microseconds from report
  all timestamp fields should now retain full precision.

* Record resource failures even if Puppet doesn't generate an event for
them in the
  report: in rare cases, Puppet will generate a report that indicates a
  on a resource but doesn't actually provide a failure event.  Prior to
  1.5, the PuppetDB report processor was only checking for the existence of
  events, so these resources would not show up in the PuppetDB report.
 This is
  really a bug in Puppet (which should be fixed as of Puppet 3.3), but the
  report processor is now smart enough to detect this case and synthesize a
  event for the resource, so that the failure is at least visible in the
  report data.

* Filter out the well-known "Skipped Schedule" events: in versions of
Puppet prior
  to 3.3, every single agent report would include six events whose status
  `skipped` and whose resource type was `Schedule`.  (The titles were
  `puppet`, `hourly`, `daily`, `weekly`, and `monthly`.)  These events were
  generally useful and caused a great deal of pollution in the PuppetDB
  They are no longer generated as of Puppet 3.3, but for compatibility with
  older versions of Puppet, the report terminus in PuppetDB 1.5 will filter
  these events out before storing the report in PuppetDB.

* Log a message when a request is blocked due to the certificate whitelist:
  prior to 1.5, when a query or command was rejected due to PuppetDB's
  whitelist configuration, there was no logging on the server that could be
  to troubleshoot the cause of the rejection.  We now log a message, in
hopes of
  making it easier for administrators to track down the cause of
  issues in this scenario.

* (#22122) Better log messages when puppetdb-ssl-setup is run before Puppet
  certificates are available.

* (#22159) Fix a bug relating to anonymizing catalog edges in exported

* (#22168) Add ability to configure maximum number of threads for Jetty
(having too
  low of a value for this setting on systems with large numbers of cores
  prevent Jetty from handling requests).

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