On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 12:54 AM, DEGREMONT Aurelien <
aurelien.degrem...@cea.fr> wrote:

> Le 23/10/2013 17:41, Peter Meier a écrit :
>> Hash: SHA1
>>  It seems that now the recommendation is to have one file per
>>> class?
>> Yes it is.
> :/
> Module manifests will be much more complex with a lot of files in it.

There will be more files, but you'll still have the same number of classes
and defines. In addition, you can locate classes or defines by the filename
so it means less hunting around. The vast majority of modules these days
are written in this style, so I don't think that it adds that much

>  If no, where puppet will look for foo::a::b class, (aside from
>>> module/foo/manifest/a/b.pp)?
>> But you can also have this class in
>> module/foo/manifest/a.pp
>> module/foo/manifest/init.pp
>> if I remember that correctly.
> It seems it works that way, at least in 2.7, but I did not find anything
> in documentation stating it should work that way.
> I'm not confident in this. I'm worried this behaviour will disappeared in
> near future and would like to know how long can I rely on this.
> At least it will help us a lot in migrating our manifests from 0.25-style
> to 2.7+ style...
This behavior is documented at
http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/2.7/reference/lang_namespaces.html and is
the supported approach to resource namespacing. It's very unlikely that
this will change at all, let alone in the near future, and has been the
accepted best practice for at least 2 - 3 years.

Adrien Thebo | Puppet Labs

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