During today's PR triage we spent a long time going over PRs 2227, 2226,
2225, 2034, and 2130. These are all related together and are the
combination of two different issues. One is that the package provider needs
some way of passing through arbitrary, unmodelled parameters to the
provider (so that you can have modifications specific to a provider that
don't have any meaning for other providers). The other part was to update
the freebsd package provider support for a new packaging system that
apparently came out in FreeBSD 10. The first change we want to get into the
core. The second change pushes to the forefront a problem that has been
plaguing us for a long time: there are a lot of systems that puppet can run
on, has providers for, but we can't maintain inside the core very well (we
don't have the expertise, time, or, sometimes, desire), and there are other
things that we care about quite a lot and can try to take an active role in

So here is the proposal: let's split things into 2 tiers:

  * Tier 1: these are things that the core team will work to make sure are
working well, maintain compatibility between puppet releases, and give a
critical eye to changes
  * Tier 2: things that are shipped as part of the standard puppet system,
but are more of a "contrib" status. Those won't be required to abide by the
same versioning semantics, there is a defined maintainer (or clearly
unmaintained) by someone. The exact details of how contrib is structured
and shipped needs to be worked out, however.

So why have a Tier 2 and not just shove everything into modules? One reason
would be to have things that are "core", but not maintained by the core
developers still be visible and close at hand. I would give us a little
more visibility into what is happening without being a bottleneck. Another
would be if the maintainer doesn't want to deal with releasing the changes,
thinking about version numbers, etc. They would all just be rolled into the
next puppet release and go along for the ride.

So the next questions to answer on this are:

  * What would be tier 1 and tier 2?
  * How should the separation be made evident?
  * How should contrib be structured?
  * Process for gaining or losing a maintainer?
  * Who should be the initial maintainers? I think we already have some
people who might want to step up for some things (ptomulik for FreeBSD

I know that this has been talked about for a long time and that we already
have a lot of projects in flight (and have dropped the ball on so many),
but if we get some consensus on this, I think we can make some good
progress toward getting this all in place.

Andrew Parker
Freenode: zaphod42
Twitter: @aparker42
Software Developer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014, September 23-24 in San Francisco*

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