*Bottom line on top*
Due to a incompatible change found after release, if you installed version 
2.3.2 of the ruby-shadow package from yum.puppetlabs.com then you need to 
upgrade your yum cache and downgrade to version 1:2.2.0 of ruby-shadow.

*What happened?*
As part of our on-going effort to provide Puppet packages for Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux 7 when it's released, on February 18th Puppet Labs 
upgraded ruby-shadow in the Puppet Labs Enterprise Linux `dependencies` 
repo to version 2.3.2 (for EL5, EL6, and the pending EL7). Initial smoke 
tests indicated that this was a backwards compatible upgrade but upon 
deeper testing, incompatible changes in the upstream codebase were 
discovered. Unfortunately the incompatible version was available in the 
Puppet Labs `dependencies` repo for approximately 24 hours. The 2.3.2 
package has been removed from all platforms and architectures and replaced 
with 2.2.0, and repository metadata has been updated.

*What does that mean?*
If you've already installed version 2.3.2 of ruby-shadow then Puppet's 
`user` resources are broken. We've built and tested ruby-shadow 2.2.0, 
which is the last version released before the incompatible change. We've 
added an epoch to this release, so going forward this will always trump the 
incompatible 2.3.2 package. You must clean any stale Puppet Labs yum caches 
to remove the outdated entry from the yum metadata on your system.

*How do I fix it?*
>From the terminal, you'll need to run the following:

  ~ $ sudo yum clean all
  ~ $ sudo yum makecache
  ~ $ sudo yum update ruby-shadow

We do our best to ensure the software we ship to our dependency 
repositories is both up-to-date and fully compatible with our projects. 
Unfortunately, in this case we did not get it right. We hope this mixup has 
not caused a great inconvenience. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us 
with any questions you might have about this. 

Puppet Labs Release Engineering

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