Hi folks,

over the last couple of days I've been dabbling with the design
for a new module for Apache httpd: we use our own package & module
currently, which allows for multi-instance configurations, but are
trying to shift towards "standard" Ubuntu 2.4 package (I created a
ppa with a current version: 
https://launchpad.net/~apache-helpdesk/+archive/httpd-ppa )

I've been hitting a snag in the design, because httpd and many of
its modules are complex beasts, and I don't want to try and foresee every
single directive someone might want to use in templates / (defined) type / class
but rather have some form of matcher. Since most of the directives follow
simple patterns, I'd like to handle those, and reject everything else -
rather than handling everything explicitly as is the case now.

For a defined type, or a class, we could introduce the special variables
`$_` and `$*` (I'm not happy with those names. They are short, that's nice
but otherwise, they are too Perlesque, and not very speaking)

    define httpd::mod (
      $ensure   = 'enabled',
      $instance = 'default',
      $*  # all others
    ) {
      validate_re($ensure, 'enabled|disabled')

      Match {
        /_enabled$/ => { validate_bool($_) }
        /_path$/    => { validate_absolute_path($_) }
        /s$/        => { validate_array($_) }
        /_size$/    => { validate_number($_) }
        default     => { fail("${name} We really don't know what to make of 
this directive") } 

alternatively, we could match the front part:

    define httpd::directory (
       $ensure   = 'present',
       $instance = 'default',
    ) {
      # …
      Match {
        /(proxy|ssl|..)_/ => { httpd::mod { $1: ensure => $ensure, instance => 
$instance, $* }

This is kind of the basic idea, and it's lacking a good way to transform those
matches into actual variables we can access, but I hope you get the basic idea.

The main reason I wish this was supported syntax, is that a 
hash generally translates poorly through all the layers of
yaml -> ruby -> puppet dsl -> actual config. The chances for very specific 
are very high simply because of the amount of layers, each of which can 
their own implementation leak.

Highly welcome your feedback!

-- o/~ i
Igor Galić

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org
URL: http://brainsware.org/
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