Hi folks, 

This week we triaged PRs for puppetlabs-apt, puppetlabs-apache, 


* Most PRs here are in limbo because they are still failing/missing tests. 
* apenny merged 1.5.x 
* it's time for a new release here. 

- Add validate and lint tasks to travis script #788 
- Allow ssl_certs_dir to be unset. #787 
- Add param to ctrl purging of vhost dir #786 
- Update tests for strict variable testing #783 
Reviewed/Commented on: 
- Add deflate params: types, notes #785 
- function to munge booleans to httpd's On/Off #782 
* this sparked a bit of a discussion, which I'll follow up in another email. 
- Changes $alias to $fcgi_alias to prevent Puppet complaining about using that 
name #781 
- We should make a new release, it's about time. 

- (MODULES-1014) Add rspec for noop mode #189 
- This module needs a https://github.com/puppetlabs/modulesync 


most Puppetlabs modules' [Report Issues] links were still pointing to 
This should be fixed now. If we're missing anything, please point us to it! 

(Unfortunately the forge is, as of yet, unable to crawl Jira to retrieve the 
issues & display them) 

We also did a crawl through the open tickets, closing a bunch. 
If you're looking for places to help, cleaning up Jira bugs, or providing 
patches for them is a 
great place to start: 


Igor Galić 

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883 
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org 
URL: http://brainsware.org/ 
GPG: 8716 7A9F 989B ABD5 100F 4008 F266 55D6 2998 1641 

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