On Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:10:14 AM UTC-5, David Schmitt wrote:
> Hi, 
> I really like the points Eric, Wil and Henrik have brought up. Here're 
> some more from me. 
> On 2014-08-29 23:11, Kylo Ginsberg wrote: 
> > [Splitting this out of the original thread which was the Facter 2.2.0 
> > announcement.] 
> > 
> > On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:58 AM, David Schmitt <da...@dasz.at 
> <javascript:> 
> > <mailto:da...@dasz.at <javascript:>>> wrote: 
> > 
> >     On 2014-08-28 00:51, Kylo Ginsberg wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > 1) While semver clearly applies to the Facter *API*, I'm not sure if it 
> > provides guidance on Facter *values*. Yes, on the one hand, I could 
> > argue that the values are part of the Facter contract, but that seems 
> > like a contortion of "API". I incline toward treating semver as 
> API-only. 
> That's only semantic BS. The primary consumer of facter is puppet code 
> writers. If the meaning of return values of something like sprintf would 
> change, all hell would break loose. Why should it be different for the 
> return value of $operatingsystem ? 

Preach it, Brother!

Seriously, the spirit of semver is not well captured by splitting hairs 
over what actually constitutes the "API" to which it applies.  Semver is 
about using version numbering that gives users of the software reliable 
information regarding compatibility between versions, principally with a 
view toward how that software is used by other software.  Yes, Facter's 
Ruby API is an aspect of that, but certainly the fact values characteristic 
of various environments are, too.  The values are central to how Puppet 
manifests use Facter.

Alternatively, in the spirit of hair splitting, you could argue that 
because manifests do not use Facter directly, Facter has no responsibility 
toward them.  Instead, then, it's up to Puppet to maintain *its own* semver 
obligations toward manifests, PuppetDB, etc., *including* the fact 
variables characteristic of each environment that it exposes to those 
consumers.  No joy there.

I think the most interesting questions here are actually about bug 
compatibility and what constitutes bug.  I don't think the intention of 
semver includes requiring a major version bump to accompany every batch of 
bug fixes.  I'd argue that Facter providing a fact value inconsistent with 
that fact's definition certainly does constitute a bug -- or at least, it 
*did* at one time.  When that bug persists for so long that a significant 
body of code comes to rely on it, however, I don't think you can reasonably 
call it a bug any longer.


> Semver's exclusion of UIs is due to the fact that users are much, *much* 
> more flexible to react to changes than deployed code. 
> > 2) More importantly, a strict reading of semver as applied to facts 
> > would tie our hands (or force more rapid majors). E.g. I add fact 'foo' 
> > in 3.0, and it turns out to work great on RHEL but is incoherent on, 
> > say, Windows. But it's now out in the wild, so if I'm completely strict 
> > about changes we have to leave it be until 4.0, although that may mean 
> > that more and more Windows users painfully write manifests around the 
> > 3.0 behavior. 
> > 

I'll return here to the distinction between feature and bug: that's where I 
think you can find your wiggle room.  As much as there is to find, anyway.


> > It's roughly (hand wave) that sort of consideration that led to the idea 
> > floated above of define some "major" facts (and platforms) where we make 
> > guarantees. 
> > 

You actually do have some room there, too, in that you could claim -- 
either globally or on a per-fact basis -- that Facter's behavior is 
well-defined only on certain specified platforms.  But you can't just 
declare that retrospectively, not if indeed you were serious about semver 
in the first place.  And you also need to be prepared for the fact (no pun 
intended) that such a position is really just a hedge.  People will still 
be unhappy when fact values change for platforms not on the official 
support list, and I wouldn't blame them.


> > To tie (1) and (2) together, there's a case to be made for separating 
> > Facter's API guarantees from its fact value guarantees, and perhaps even 
> > to tiering the latter. The exact details are up for discussion of 
> course. 
> That is totally legitimate and starting a separate semver stream for the 
> values just underlines that they too are API (if also perhaps a 
> different set). 

It is legitimate from the viewpoint of Facter's semver, but it doesn't 
really gain any ground outside the moral superiority realm.  You would end 
up with Puppet manifests depending on fact value semver instead of Facter 
semver, but you would still have the issue that you cannot change 
documented behavior without a major bump (in that case to the fact value 
semver), and you would still have the problem that any such change would 
break existing manifests.

Moreover, having one piece of software versioned simultaneously by two 
independent schemes would be a nightmare on many levels.  The only way I 
could imagine it working would be to split Facter into separate API and 
fact-evaluation pieces, one for each version number sequence.  Even then, I 
cannot imagine it working very well because modules will necessarily have 
direct dependencies on the fact-evaluation version.  You may think we have 
module compatibility problems now, but they're nothing compared to what we 
would have if you add the possibility of fact-evaluation-version 
incompatibility on top.


> Something that can be done to ease the semver pressure is start 
> collecting recipes to avoid disaster when the inevitable glitch happens. 
> For example, if a certain fact produces garbage on a platform and fixing 
> it would require wide-spread changes,

I think that's a straw man.

If a fact implementation produces garbage on a particular system then 
that's a bug -- it can be fixed without a major bump.  In the meantime 
users will not usefully rely on that fact because it's garbage.  
Alternatively, if a fact is not meaningful for a particular system, then it 
can be withdrawn altogether for that system without a major bump because it 
being computed at all for that system is a bug.  Users cannot usefully rely 
on such a fact, because that would imply that it is meaningful, contrary to 
the assumption.  Either way, the breadth of implementation changes that 
might be necessary to fix any particular issue is not a semver 


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