On 2014-09-12 03:21, Ken Barber wrote:
Instead of continuing on the old thread "A question about numbers and
representation", I decided to open a new thread avout BigDecimal to see if
we can come to closure on that separately.

Digging a bit more into Ruby, and how it handles floating point reveals that
there is in fact no automatic fluent transition to BigDecimal. All floating
point calculations are performed with the native double representation on
the platform ruby is executing on. Since Puppet does not create any
BigDecimal numbers no one has ever been able to create a value with higher
precision in Puppet than what the native double provides (unless doing so in
custom Ruby functions I should add).
So wow, this never worked? I can't say I'm surprised. I wonder if
there are any real world cases where people have done this in ruby
So in essence it would be perfectly fine to state that Puppet has a hard 64-bit double limit today and say that support for larger numbers may be a future enhancement? That would simplify things.

- thomas


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