This is interesting, am working on a talk about profiling catalog compiles - 
what tool
did you use to generate the report?

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andy Parker" <>
> To: "puppet-dev" <>
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 6:08:22 PM
> Subject: [Puppet-dev] Some analysis of profiling information

> Last week we got our first bit of data from profiling someone's master.
> There were three different masters profiled and over the weekend I analyzed
> one of them. Here are the results of that analsys:
> =====================================================
> 8 processors
> ~18 hour time period (Wed Oct 08 16:04:51 to Thu Oct 09 10:39:02)
> 258816 requests
> ~3 requests/second
> ~39.6 hours processing requests (Wallclock time)
> Request ratios:
>  16.12 file_metadata requests/catalog request
>  3.85 file_metadatas requests/catalog request
>  0.99 node requests/catalog request
>  0.004 file_content requests/catalog request
> By request type:
>  35.4 hours spent generating catalogs
>  2 hours spent responding to file_metadata
>  1.4 hours spent responding to file_metadatas
>  0.7 hours spent responding to node
> By request pipeline activity:
>  1   hour spent finding facts
>  0.9 hours spend finishing catalog
>  1.9 hours spent filtering the catalog
>  1.8 hours spent serializing to PSON
>  0.3 hours spent in non-include functions
> Function time:
>  0.14 hours spent evaluating ERB (template + inline_template)
>  0.08 hours spent in hiera()
> ======================================================
> It appears that the server is likely not very heavily taxed. The time
> period analyzed appears to be mostly a steady state. It seems like there
> might have been one filed changed across about 10% of the nodes (42
> file_content requests and a reported fleet of 400 nodes). A catalog request
> takes 11 seconds on average and all other requests are less than a second.
> We would get the same capacity improvement by optimizing the "filter
> catalog" step as we would on file_metadata requests. I suspect optimizing
> "filter catalog" would be better since it likely generates a large amount
> of garbage (thereby increasing the need for GC) whereas file_metadata is IO
> bound.
> An interesting thing is that there weren't any report submission requests
> in the data. I suspect that they are using a separate report server.
> In this case, the time for really "compiling" a catalog is ~83% of the
> catalog request time. The other 20% is "finding facts", "finishing
> catalog", "serialization", and a few other miscellaneous tasks.
> PSON serialization takes almost as much time as file_metadata requests.
> There were no functions that stood out as absurdly expensive, although
> hiera and ERB are up there. Analysis of include() is much more complicated
> because it has nested calls. One include will evaluate code that might call
> other includes. This means that a simple addition of the include times
> double counts most of the time. I haven't tried to correct for that and so
> am not reporting on include times here.
> The server is running 3.7.1 on ruby 1.8.7. I think it would get more of a
> performance boost from changing to ruby 2.1 than many optimizations we can
> perform. That isn't to say that there aren't things to tune, as Thomas
> found. It seems like we should concentrate on the basic evaluator code,
> trying to remove catalog copies (there are at least two that are done,
> "filtering" is one), work toward switching from PSON to JSON, and getting
> ruby 2.1 available everywhere (which is probably part of dropping ruby
> 1.8.7 support).
> --
> Andrew Parker
> Freenode: zaphod42
> Twitter: @aparker42
> Software Developer
> *Join us at **PuppetConf 2014, **September 20-24 in San Francisco - *
> --
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