On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Henrik Lindberg <
henrik.lindb...@cloudsmith.com> wrote:

> On 2014-14-10 17:36, Ben Ford wrote:
>> I have to admit that this email made me feel a little bit dumb. Could
>> you provide a TL;DR summary that at least provides a little context for
>> this? Is this something that people writing types, functions, hiera
>> backends, or report processors need to concern themselves with?
> Sorry about that - this is mostly if you are contributing to Puppet
> itself, or if you find that your implementation in Ruby (of whatever) leaks
> memory and you need to find the cause.
> If you are following the well beaten path when writing types and providers
> etc. you need not worry. If you are writing caching in any form you are
> potentially causing memory leaks and the tips here apply.

Is my understanding that the way caching was implemented, by using a full
resource type object as the Hash key in a class variable, is what caused
the leak?  Specifically, the resource type would never be cleaned up by the
garbage collector because it's a hash key in a class instance variable,



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