On Oct 14, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Erik Dalén <erik.gustav.da...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 14 October 2014 01:13, Charlie Sharpsteen <ch...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, October 9, 2014 3:10:55 PM UTC-7, John Bollinger wrote:
> On Thursday, October 9, 2014 9:12:41 AM UTC-5, Felix Frank wrote:
> So in response to Andy's request for a pick, I feel that making packages 
> non-isomorphic and allow namevar != title would be a fair compromise. 
> package { 'mysql-foo': name => 'mysql', provider => 'gem' } 
> Yes this might get abused by Forge modules. Nothing we can do about 
> that, as far as I can tell. 
> I'm not so much worried about abuse as about well-intentioned and seemingly 
> reasonable use that mixes badly with other well-intentioned and seemingly 
> reasonable use.  Hypothetical examples:
> (1)
> Module A declares
>     package { 'foo-gem': name => 'foo', ensure => '1.0', provider => 'gem' }
> Module B declares
>     package { 'gem-foo': name => 'foo', ensure => '2.0', provider => 'gem' }
> Result is that either A or B breaks.
> (2)
> Module A declares
>     package { 'web-server': name => 'httpd-server', ensure => '2.0.12' }
> Module B declares
>     package { 'httpd-server': ensure => '2.4.0' }
> Again, either A or B breaks.
> One of Puppet's major features is that it avoids damaging managed systems 
> systems by being conservative about what configuration specifications it is 
> willing to accept.  That trait is far more valuable to me than an ability to 
> use specifically the Package type to manage gems etc..
> John
> So, to recap, the issue with making packages non-isomorphic is that the title 
> becomes the only method to enforce uniqueness of resources.
> We may be able to solve the problem of name clashes and retain stronger 
> guarantees by switching the Package type to use a composite namevar instead 
> of dropping isomorphism.
> I took a crack at this over the weekend and the required changes turned out 
> to be very simple. A work in progress patch can be found here:
>   https://gist.github.com/Sharpie/3b2b12d9b3ef2cea6837
> This change resolves example #1 by using the combination of [name, provider] 
> to enforce uniqueness, instead of the current [name]. The following clash 
> would no longer be possible:
>     # Composite key: ['foo', 'gem']
>     package { 'foo-gem': name => 'foo', ensure => '1.0', provider => 'gem' }
>     # Same composite key: ['foo', 'gem']
>     package { 'gem-foo': name => 'foo', ensure => '2.0', provider => 'gem' }
> Example #2 is also resolved:
>     # Composite key: ['httpd-server', nil]
>     package { 'httpd-server': ensure => '2.4.0' }
>     # Same composite key: ['httpd-server', nil]
>     package { 'web-server': name => 'httpd-server', ensure => '2.0.12' }
> The possibility for conflict still exists between providers that happen to 
> manage the same pool of packages and between implicit and explicit use of the 
> default provider. For example, the following will result in competing 
> resources on RedHat:
>     # Composite key: ['httpd-server', nil]
>     package { 'httpd-server': ensure => installed }
>     # Composite key: ['httpd-server', 'yum']
>     package { 'httpd': ensure => absent, name => 'httpd-server', provider => 
> 'yum' }
>     # Composite key: ['httpd-server', 'rpm']
>     package { 'webserver': ensure => '2.4.0', name => 'httpd-server', 
> provider => 'rpm' }
> So, a composite key does not provide an airtight guarantee of uniqueness but 
> is better than dropping isomorphism. We may be able to improve this situation 
> by turning missing composite key values into smart defaults when the agent 
> prepares a catalog for application.
> Thoughts on using a composite namevar as an alternative to dropping 
> isomorphism?
> Seems good to me. But tbh I was okay with just dropping isomorphism on 
> packages as well.

I'm very opposed to dropping the isomorphism, especially for such a critical 
type.  I'd rather do the necessary work to make it a composite namevar.  So 
many other assumptions about the world start to break down if you let that slip 
that it's hard to predict what the consequences will be.

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