> On Oct 26, 2014, at 12:08 AM, James Turnbull <ja...@lovedthanlost.net> wrote:
> Andy Parker wrote:
>> the communication was done with PSON, which is a variant of JSON that
>> has been in use in puppet since at least 2010. As far as I understand
>> PSON started out as simply a vendored version of json_pure. The name
>> PSON was apparently because rails would try to patch anything named
>> JSON, and so they needed to name it something different to stop that
>> from happening (that is all hearsay, so I don't know how truthful it is).
> Ah... History.
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/bca3b70437666a8b840af032cab20fc1ea4f18a2

In other words, exactly right.

We initially just force-loaded rails first and then over-rode its
monkey patches, but then it started force-loaded all of the json libs
so it could guarantee that its (incompatible) monkey patches won.

At that point our only choice was to use different names. Yay rails.

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