On 11/01/2014 03:35 AM, David Schmitt wrote:
> On 2014-11-01 01:22, Henrik Lindberg wrote:
> The requirement to compare strings and numerals can also be
> implemented by converting the numeral to a string (using a canoical
> non-locale dependent format). This produces a much safer route, as
> creating a string has less degrees of freedom.
I believe this is the perl5 approach, which seems to be robust.
>> * Add === operator to compare both type and value. This is a slippery
>> slope since we probably want Integer and Float to compare equal - say
>> 0.0 and 0. It adds yet another operator, and we have to decide what
>> case, selector and in should use since there is no way to specify if one
>> or the other should be used.
Oh hell no!
>> # best effort, or fail
>> convert_to(Number, value)
It would require changes to the lexer but another syntactic option (not
that I'm advocating it) would be C style type coercion.




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