On 11/04/2014 09:09 PM, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> On 11/04/2014 01:04 PM, Andy Parker wrote:
>>     It would also provide at lot more confidence that a manifest is
>>     4x safe
>>     if it passes `puppet parser validate`.  Without that you'd have
>>     to worry
>>     about conditional expressions silently changing their result
>>     between 3x
>>     and 4x.
>> The error would have to be at runtime, so puppet parser validate
>> would not uncover these kinds of issues (except perhaps in trivial
>> cases where it could be done). I have an experiment for creating a
>> type inference system, but it is no where near complete enough to be
>> a static type analysis system for puppet 4, and even then it would
>> have to give up in far too many cases without yet more changes to the
>> language.
> Your absolutely right but  `puppet master --compile  localhost
> --manifest manifests/role/db.pp` would work.  Similarly, rspec-puppet
> tests would catch an exception from building the catalog even if there
> isn't coverage of the expression result.  Perhaps an option could be
> added to the parser face to eval expressions?
Actually, I think I'm full of it.  It appears that although the master
face accepts the --manifest, --modulepath, etc. flags in combination
with --compile they don't have any visible effect on the generated
catalog (my catalogs are so large it was hard to tell). In any event,
the magic behavior I was hallucinating was parsing the supplied manifest
and then evaluating it with cached facts (is --compile pulling facts out
of inventory?).

Upon further consideration, there are significant problems with trying
to implement a generic parse+evaluate checker that can be used in the
same manner as `puppet parser validate` on arbitrary DSL code.   Defined
but not declared classes / defined types may fail due to mandatory
params, the use of evaluation order dependent functions (defined(),
getparam(), etc.) and the `$caller_module_name != $module_name` idiom
are all gotchas.

Still, I wonder if it's possible to use the parser to fish out the names
of classes without mandatory parameters from of a series of manifests
and automagically perform the equivalent of rspec-puppet|`it { should
compile }' or 'it { should compile.with_all_deps }`|?  I suppose facter
would either need to be invoked locally or an external corpus of facts
would need to be supplied.  Hmm.



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