On Nov 4, 2014 6:32 AM, "tracyde" <trac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am new to ruby development and want to integrate my report parser with
TravisCI. I have read articles and blog posts on how to integrate Puppet
modules with rspec, puppet-lint, and travisci but those are not directly
applicable to modules that do nothing but provide lib instances (facts,
report parsers, etc.)

Alas, I have had my eye out for documentation or utilities for testing
report processors for a while and have seen nothing.  For that matter, even
figuring out what the incoming data looked like room a bit of digging -- I
just read the YAML dump of a 'store' report and assumed I knew what values

My guess is that testing would involve one or more store report YAML files
and just enough framework to deserialize that and pass the resulting data
to your report processor.

Then you'd need to stub the objects & methods your processor calls for

I'm not sure you'd actually need rspec-puppet -- I don't think it provides
any facilities that would be useful in this case.



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