Reminder: Next Thursday, December 4th, is Puppet Hack Day! It’s an online
community hack day, and you can register (and get more info) at Also check your local puppet
community - there may be something organized near you.

Next PR Triage Wednesday, December 3rd @ 10:00 am Pacific. **



   Puppet 4.0 (and 3.7.4)

   Native Facter 0.3.0

   Puppet Server 1.0.0

   New puppet doc implementation



Continuing to crank away on Puppet 4, especially:


   Code removals including 1.8.7 support

   All-in-one agent work

   Misc improvements for puppet-server

Henrik now has a PR up for the "agnostic support for data in modules": It comes with a simple data
provider that allows data for a module to come from a 4x function named
<module-name>::data() that resides in the module. (Later during 4x the
intent is to also add functions written in the puppet language, and this
will make it very simple to provide default data for modules). Since this
is a plugin API and it is very easy to write other implementations and
deliver them in modules, we expect there to be other implementations (for
hiera etc.).

The removal of ZAML and Ruby 1.8.7 exposed us to the rough playing field of
"which yaml is this ruby runtime really using" and Britt spent time chasing
down those issues to make sure we are testing against the expected ruby
runtimes / yaml support.

Active Record support is next to go in the epic "code removal for puppet

We found an issue with the new collector implementation for future parser that affects the results
from exported queries. This will be fixed in Puppet 3.7.4 as well as 4.0.0.

The work relating to changing the agent->master URL scheme got put on hold
for a bit due to upcoming release dates for PE 3.7.1, but we’re picking
back up on it now and those PRs should begin to land shortly.

Puppet Server:

Continuing to put the finishing touches on Puppet Server 1.0.  We’ve
completed the features relating to flushing the directory environment
cache, and are working out the final details for a feature that will allow
you to flush the JRuby pool entirely and start up new JRuby instances.
That should be the last big changeset before we’re ready to do the 1.0

Puppet Doc:

Puppet strings is moving along; up now is support for a selected set of
yard tags in documentation generated from puppet manifests. Hailee made a
first PR on this.

Facter / Native Facter:

The puppet support for facter’s new configurable logging is in, so will be
in 4.0.

We now have enough native facter dependencies that we started some
discussion on how to manage them. Current proposal is:


   initially, extract all vendored or general-purpose utility libraries
   into a single “kitchensink” repo that could be shared across projects

   later, use a simple dependency manager to track those dependencies

This will be something to iterate on.

More platforms in Native Facter nightlies:


Now it’s up to rhel5/rhel6/rhel7/lucid/precise/trusty/squeeze/wheezy with
more packages coming. Try it out and tell us what we’re missing :)

Other conversations of note:


   Puppet 4.0.0 All In One Agent (AIO)

   "Puppet 4 delivery and upgrades" - about how to best deliver / release
   4.0.0 and how to upgrade/migrate which is up to 32 posts and counting.
   Great discussion!

   Group Resource auth_membership defaults to true - should this change?

Kylo Ginsberg | | irc: kylo | twitter: @kylog

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