On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Brice Figureau <
brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've started coding the file_metadata terminus as a pure clojure service
> in the puppet-server and have a few existencial questions.
> I have a basic fileserver.conf parsing system, mount finding from a
> path, and a compojure app (and trapperkeeper service) for file_metadata
> (not yet file_metadatas support).

> First question, the code uses the jdk 1.7 java.nio.file system to access
> posix/unix file properties like uid or permissions. That means the
> server must run on an 1.7 jvm. Is that an issue?

Not at all; Jetty 9 already requires Java 7, so, no worries there.

The second problem I'm facing is testing the service. I have a coverage
> of the various core functions (the ones producing the metadata
> themself), but I struggle to see how to test whole endpoint from a given
> request.
> Is there any pointers I should look at?

There are several different levels that you can test at, and it can be a
bit tricky to determine the most appropriate one... here are a few examples.

If you want to test the ring request/response logic but you don't really
need to spin up a full Jetty instance to do it, you can do something like


If you want to spin up a Jetty to test a ring app but you don't need the
full trapperkeeper stack, we have the with-test-webserver utility in the
tk-j9 testutils:

Example usage:

If you want to test via a trapperkeeper instance but w/o the full Puppet
Server stack, you can use the TK testutils, e.g. `with-app-with-config`:


Finally, if you need a full death-star Puppet Server integration test
(which we don't find we usually need), we have a new testutil macro called


That last one is pretty new and we probably need to build up some more
helper functions, test utilities, and best practices around it, though.

And finally, would it be OK for me to publish the current code as a PR
> (not to be merged) to gather comments and reviews of the code, as this
> is my first clojure code, there's certainly tons of issues :)

Definitely!  If you could just prefix the subject with "(FOR REVIEW ONLY)"
or similar, that would be helpful... and we will have to prioritize review
against other deliverables, obviously, but we'd be happy to look at it.

On a related note: we need to either start including Puppet Server
tickets/PRs in the weekly public OSS PR triage meetings, or we need to
start scheduling some public triage meetings specifically for Puppet
Server.  Any thoughts?

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