With the 3.0 major release of PuppetDB in the next few months, we will be retiring the v2 and v3 PuppetDB query APIs and adopting v4 as the new stable. At the same time, we will release the final batch of new features for the v4 API, which means that v4 in 3.0 will be different than the current experimental v4 endpoint in 2.x.

Moving to the v4 API has permitted the unification of our HTTP endpoints under a single central query engine, which has paid great dividends in consistency between endpoints and the ease and speed of new feature development. Nonetheless, we understand that the simultaneous promotion of v4 and retirement of v3 will cause some inconvenience, so we want to make sure users are aware of the changes.

For information on the upcoming features and differences, please see the draft API migration guide:


Note that the API is still under development and the document will be updated as new changes are merged.

To test the latest changes, see our nightly snapshots:


Note that this is still unreleased code, and not suitable for production use.

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