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Hi All,

> Is there already some kind of code doing that, or any
> opinion/feedback on this idea?

I have written once a change management guard, that does some of the
stuff you mentioned and as a side-effect also includes caching - or I
abused caching for change management...


Its main target was a 2.7 installation and it's still being used there
(afaik). Nevertheless, it should also work on a 3.x installation, no
idea about 4.x. I never tested that to the extend and didn't touch the
code since 2 years, so I don't give any guarantees. Still I think it
might be interesting for the current discussion.

I see 2 main points:

1. invalidations: As you mentioned there are tons of effects that can
play into invalidating the cache and imho it is highly depending on
the specific puppet setup and all the different features it uses. So,
for the above implementation, I took the approach that there is a
simple method that needs to be implemented and the contract is, that
puppet passes all the information it has about such a node (mainly all
the facts the client sent) and the method should either say true or
false to indicate if a recompile is needed.
And you as a user of that plugin would be able to do whatever you want
within that invalidatior, e.g. measuring outside temperature or roll a
For a potential general solution I see such a method of contributing
to the invalidation process as crucial. There should be a sane and
useable default, that works in 80% of the cases, but it is freely
tuneable to also be able to address the other 20% (or at least 18%).
Providing a way of hooking into the decision and contributing to the
decision making process with whatever you like, is the solution we
should imho aim for.

2. not everything is within the catalog: plugins, file sources, result
or side-effects of function calls.

  2.1 Plugins are synced at a time when the catalog is not yet in the
      game, nevertheless they potentially affect catalog compilation
      (new facts, new types, etc.). For my use case I was able to
      ignore that fact, as it was enough to make people aware of that
      problem. But still the fact that with my solution the cached
      catalog you get and the plugins you might have gotten earlier can
      be out of sync might be a problem in some cases.

  2.2 file sources: They are not part of the catalog and I
      tried to use the static compiler to get the content of the
      sources into the catalog so we just have one huge static blob.
      However, this might not work in all cases or at least is tricky
      (e.g. recursive file resources).
      Not being able to reference a certain file source version to a
      certain catalog might change a file without doing other required
      changes, that would be within the new catalog and hence cause
      other problems. Imho this is one of the biggest problems and we
      should definitely try to adress it. Unfortunately, it is also
      quite a hard problem.

  2.3 result/side-effect of function calls: They are also contributing
      to side-effects in a similar way as new plugins, but the change
      of a result might also be predicatable through an external
      invalidation hook. E.g. hiera files that changed etc.

The more you dive into the topic the more very tricky problems are
showing up and imho the topic of caching catalogs is one of the harder
problems to solve. However, I think these hard parts are because we
would like to address all/most possible cases that we can think of at
the moment. So maybe, we should not try to come up with the
complete/ideal solution from the beginning on, but rather a solution
that works in most ideal cases, that have clear outlined restrictions
and limitations and work from there on forward tackling the much
harder problems, while still getting feedback from the early usage of
the already released but minimized feature set of such a solution.
Also making it possible for people to hook into that process will
allow them to play around with/extend the feature by themselves and
empowers them to contribute to the final solution.




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