> On 2 Mar 2016, at 21:16, Trevor Vaughan <tvaug...@onyxpoint.com> wrote:
> R.I., did I just hear you make a suggestion for writing fact DDL files? Not 
> sure how I feel about that, they're a pain to deal with and confuse users.

Not specifically. Types already have doc strings similar would be enough for 

> The features that I would like to add my vote for:
> * Fact TTLs
> * Custom fact execution timeouts
> * Fact execution timeouts
> * Fact parallelization (and settings therein)
> * Moving the facts.d location
> * Asynchronous fact reporting (I don't want to have to run facter every 
> puppet run)
> * System fact ACLs (have the ability to allow other hosts access to facts)
> Thanks,
> Trevor
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 1:07 AM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:
>>> On 2 Mar 2016, at 03:45, Kylo Ginsberg <k...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 3:13 PM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:
>>>>> On 1 Mar 2016, at 19:52, Eric Sorenson <eric.soren...@puppetlabs.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've been thinking about a config file for Facter, which has historically 
>>>>> not been run-time configurable.
>>>>> The two problems in front of me that seem applicable are:
>>>>> * Sometimes, certain facts are just plain bad to collect and users would 
>>>>> like to prevent them from even being resolved (see FACT-718, FACT-449, ).
>>>>> * Some facts are not inherently bad but _are_ expensive and/or change 
>>>>> infrequently, so preventing them from being resolved every time would be 
>>>>> beneficial (FACT-348)
>>> One question I'm curious to get feedback on is whether such a blacklist (or 
>>> whitelist?) of facts would be at the top-level-structured-fact basis, or 
>>> whether there are compelling use case for it to be more fine-grained.
>>> The per-top-level-structured fact basis would have some nice attributes:
>>> * it's simpler (good unless it's too simple)
>>> * given that one of the goals in skipping some facts, that would align 
>>> pretty nicely with the facter 'resolvers' - whereas to support fine-grained 
>>> blacklisting of facts might still require *collecting* all the facts, and 
>>> just blacklisting at the point of return/reporting.
>>> Similar question (but may not be the same answer) for fact ttl's. Also for 
>>> fact ttl's, I'd think we could provide some useful defaults, e.g. osfamily 
>>> doesn't change during process lifetime, that sort of thing.
>>> I'd be curious for comments on any of the above.
>>>>> Are there other problems you're running into in this area that you'd like 
>>>>> to see addressed with a "facter.conf"? I'd like to gather all the 
>>>>> requirements and start up a little Puppet RFC based on them.
>>>> Some individual facts might benefit from configuration. 
>>>>  - never consider docker*,and,others for ipaddress fact
>>> Ah yes, that makes sense. We've had a few requests for fine-tuning 
>>> ipaddress fact collection that could possibly be met by a regex along those 
>>> lines.
>>>>   - ec2 facts IP address to hit
>>> Sorry, naive question but I thought the ec2 metadata address was always the 
>>> same? It's hardwired in facter today.
>> You get proxies and caches and compatible services for other clouds. Along 
>> the same lines I know in the past the fact checked some hard coded MAC 
>> address this  could be a good target
>>>>   - default gateway device
>>>>   - override some paths to required binaries
>>> What are some of the example use cases for overriding path to binaries? Are 
>>> there use cases for overriding path to some of the non-binary files that 
>>> facter processes?
>> People who install hand compiled software for example. Not exactly a path 
>> but kind of analogous  people who write custom facts that uses internal 
>> APIs, these might need pointing to different places in different 
>> environments 
>>>> Etc, tons of these. So some way that we all agree on to ingest config on a 
>>>> per fact basis
>>> I like the idea in general, and would love to get more color on the 
>>> spectrum of use cases, hence the questions above.
>> Yeah so my list is more hypothetical than actual I Have These Problems but 
>> certainly seen some of these on IRC and the class of feature has many uses
>> It is though a very difficult feature because you might need to config this 
>> at plugin sync time and plugin sync is too dumb to have any kind of 
>> selection logic ie. to put different configs on different hosts or template 
>> bake configs etc. Whenever I have thought of requesting this feature I 
>> always end up needing this part and I think logic in plugin sync would be 
>> bad. 
>> Additionally surfacing the available configs for a fact in a user consumable 
>> way that also supports custom facts could be a pain. I have often felt 
>> though that facts need to support doc strings that can be queried via the 
>> CLI etc, that might help a lot if we go this route - and in general I think 
>> would be a hugely helpful thing. 
>>> Kylo
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> Trevor Vaughan
> Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
> (410) 541-6699
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