
I am trying to selectively find classes using PQL that has a certain parameter.

class foo($server=true) {

So with PQL I have no idea how to match only foo classes where server = true, it
appears from errors that it does support search parameters but nothing in the 
docs and I can't figure it out.

So then I tried to query via tags which does work, I figured I'll ta the
class using tag():

class foo($server=true) {
  if $server {

  if tagged("foo_server") {
    notify{"it's tagged": }

this code runs, and the notify fires, however if I query puppet db using a 
resources {type = "Class" and title = "Foo"} the tag set with the function does 
appear on the class.

So back to not having anyway to find nodes where foo::server = true, any ideas?


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