
I've been trying to figure out what these Sensitive types are all about based 
Best I can tell there isn't yet docs on docs.puppet.com for these

First I don't actually find usable examples in the spec docs, like what is it 
for? Whats a typical use case here?

The most basic example works:

  $secret = Sensitive(42)
  $processed = $secret.unwrap |$sensitive| { $sensitive * 2 }
  notice $secret
  notice $processed

This gives:

  Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Sensitive [value redacted]
  Notice: Scope(Class[main]): 84

Now I guess you want to be able to pass the sensitive one into a class, and it 
should not automatically unwrap but remain sensitive:

  class x(Sensitive $foo) {

  class{"x": foo => Sensitive("bar")}

This fails:

  Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, 
Class[X]: parameter 'foo' expects a Sensitive value, got String

Changing the "Sensitive $foo" to "Sensitive[String] $foo" as well: 

  Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, 
Class[X]: parameter 'foo' expects a Sensitive value, got String

Yes if I do:


I get "Sensitive[String]" so surely it should be passable into the class

Ok, so this is where it gets really weird, the docs says:

   There is no automatic unwrapping of sensitive values. As a consequence 
   it is not possible to perform operations on sensitive values other than 
   interpolating it as a String. When such interpolation takes place, the 
   value is shown as "[redacted]".

So ok, we have to specifically do like $foo.unwrap, but here's the really weird 
thing, once I
failed to pass a Sensitive type into the class I decided to do this:

  class x(String $foo) {
    notice("Value of \$foo: ${foo}")
    notice("Size of \$foo: ${foo.size}")
    notify{$foo: }

  $x = Sensitive("bar")
  notice("Type of \$x: ${type_of($x)}")
  notice("Value of \$x: ${x}")

    foo => $x

This gives me:

  Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Type of $x: Sensitive[String]
  Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Value of $x: Sensitive [value redacted]
  Notice: Scope(Class[X]): Value of $foo: bar
  Notice: Scope(Class[X]): Size of $foo: 3
  Notice: Compiled catalog for dev3.devco.net in environment production in 0.13 
  Error: /X: Unable to mark 'foo' as sensitive: the property itself is not 
defined on component.
  Notice: bar
  Notice: /Stage[main]/X/Notify[bar]/message: defined 'message' as 'bar'

So here it gets unwrapped automatically by just passing the Sensitive[String] 
into a variable 
of String on a class? Does not seem like this is intended behaviour, and 
basically I have not been
able to do anything useful with these

Whats the intended purpose and how do you use this?


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