Additional comments in response to Erik

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Erik Dalén <>

> Overall I think this looks pretty good, but I have some questions and
> comments.
> For implementations that can't enumerate all existing resources (at least
> not in any fast way), like for example File, should they fine a get method
> that returns an empty hash, nil or just not define a get method? nil or not
> defining would allow special handling of them, so that would probably be
> preferable.

So, this is a fundamental failure of the File resource being too tightly
coupled to the Object model of Puppet. We could, relatively easily, get
around this but it would require working around the Object model to provide
point optimization.

I'm starting to notice that a lot of people are now passing around hashes
to prevent spawning a lot of resources and I think that this fundamental
issue should be addressed prior to the implementation of another
Type/Provider subsystem. It is possible that another system will *need* to
be provided to fully address these issues and that would be a change that I
could wholeheartedly get behind.

> But shouldn't it really have a way to fetch the state of a single resource
> in for those implementations? How would this otherwise handle something
> like "puppet resource file /path/to/file", traverse the entire file system
> and stat every file?

Yes, this is very much needed. The ability that the community has basically
shoved into Puppet in regards to catalog delving is one of the things that
helps Puppet remain relevant across various environments.

> It seems it would also be handy with some helper method that compared
> current_state & target_state to filter out the changes that actually need
> to happen. I would imagine that sort of code would otherwise be duplicated
> in many implementations.

I've had to have trailing resource collectors (as does concat) that simply
exist to graft together a bunch of previously declared resources. This
really needs to be able to be eliminated and we need to be able to mark
resources as irrelevant to the client so that the data, in specific, can
not bloat the catalog. This *should* be relatively straightforward with an
extension to the existing object model but I haven't had time to try it.

> logger.attribute_changed could really have a default value for message if
> the implementation provides attribute, old_value & new_value they shouldn't
> all need to supply "Changed #{attribute} from #{old_value} to #{new_value}
> ".


> Will the attribute type fields be able to use type definitions shipped in
> the same module or present on in environment?

I still think that types just aren't enough at this point without arbitrary
validation capabilities, and the ability to not repeat my type definitions
all over the place.

> Will they be able to inspect the catalog or communicate between
> implementations, like in the concat & concat_fragment case?

100% need this. If I can't do this, most of the advanced functionality that
I have dies. The catalog is one of the shining points in Puppet's favor in
terms of monitoring and compliance. I *need* the ability to dig into it as
necessary and I would love to see that ability codified instead of having
to re-hack my way into it when it changes. Also, this is something that I
need at run time. Waiting until it's stuffed in a random DB somewhere is
too late.

>From the top of my head, I use this for: Concat, IPTables, CGroups,
Kerberos, and Compliance Validation

Losing this would be a *BIG DEAL*

> Will they be able to generate resources? That could probably be done with
> something similar to the logger methods, but there is nothing like that in
> the proposal. I assume they won't have a generate method.

I also use this quite a bit. I know that it's not as easy to debug but it
is occasionally necessary to maintain the proper object model and not
resort to hacks that may conflict with other resource declarations.

> Will there be some requirement that these implementations are thread safe
> so puppet can start managing multiple resources in parallel? Or will they
> run in some subprocess even?

I'm honestly not so concerned about this. I used to be all for running my
catalogs in parallel but I quickly realized that the slight speed gains
that I might get (I'll probably be blocked by I/O somewhere anyway) would
probably not be worth the headache of trying to debug a parallel catalog
gone bad. In my mind, parallelism in Puppet should be thought of at the
cross-node level and the catalogs should moved to a direct heap/stack
implementation to reduce resource usage on the clients and to gain

> On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 at 15:59 David Schmitt <>
> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I've written down the design in README format now. This should make for a
>> easier to ingest from a module developer's perspective. Meanwhile I've also
>> had a shot at a hardcoded implementation of this, and it is technically
>> possible to implement this too.
>> -----------
>> Resource API
>> A *resource* is the basic thing that is managed by puppet. Each resource
>> has a set of attributes describing its current state. Some of the
>> attributes can be changed throughout the life-time of the resource, some
>> attributes only report back, but cannot be changed (see read_only)others
>> can only be set once during initial creation (see init_only). To gather
>> information about those resources, and to enact changes in the real world,
>> puppet requires a piece of code to *implement* this interaction. The
>> implementation can have parameters that influence its mode of operation
>> (see operational_parameters). To describe all these parts to the
>> infrastructure, and the consumers, the resource *Definition* (f.k.a.
>> 'type') contains definitions for all of them. The *Implementation*
>> (f.k.a. 'provider') contains code to *get* and *set* the system state.
>> <>Resource
>> Definition
>> Puppet::ResourceDefinition.register(
>>     name: 'apt_key',
>>     docs: <<-EOS,      This type provides Puppet with the capabilities to 
>> manage GPG keys needed      by apt to perform package validation. Apt has 
>> it's own GPG keyring that can      be manipulated through the `apt-key` 
>> command.      apt_key { '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F':        
>> source => ''      }      
>> **Autorequires**:      If Puppet is given the location of a key file which 
>> looks like an absolute      path this type will autorequire that file.    EOS
>>     attributes:   {
>>         ensure:      {
>>             type: 'Enum[present, absent]',
>>             docs: 'Whether this apt key should be present or absent on the 
>> target system.'
>>         },
>>         id:          {
>>             type:    'Variant[Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\Z/], 
>> Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\Z/], Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\Z/]]',
>>             docs:    'The ID of the key you want to manage.',
>>             namevar: true,
>>         },
>>         # ...
>>         created:     {
>>             type:      'String',
>>             docs:      'Date the key was created, in ISO format.',
>>             read_only: true,
>>         },
>>     },
>>     autorequires: {
>>         file:    '$source', # will evaluate to the value of the `source` 
>> attribute
>>         package: 'apt',
>>     },
>> )
>> The Puppet::ResourceDefinition.register(options) function takes a Hash
>> with the following top-level keys:
>>    - name: the name of the resource. For autoloading to work, the whole
>>    function call needs to go into lib/puppet/type/<name>.rb.
>>    - docs: a doc string that describes the overall working of the type,
>>    gives examples, and explains pre-requisites as well as known issues.
>>    - attributes: an hash mapping attribute names to their details. Each
>>    attribute is described by a hash containing the puppet 4 data type, a
>>    docs string, and whether the attribute is the namevar, read_only,
>>    and/or init_only.
>>    - operational_parameters: a hash mapping parameter names to puppet
>>    data types and docs strings.
>>    - autorequires, autobefore, autosubscribe, and autonotify: a Hash
>>    mapping resource types to titles. Currently the titles must either be
>>    constants, or, if the value starts with a dollar sign, a reference to the
>>    value of an attribute.
>> <>Resource
>> Implementation
>> At runtime the current and intended system states for a single resource
>> instance are always represented as ruby Hashes of the resource's
>> attributes, and applicable operational parameters.
>> The two fundamental operations to manage resources are reading and
>> writing system state. These operations are implemented in the
>> ResourceImplementation as get and set:
>> Puppet::ResourceImplementation.register('apt_key') do
>>   def get
>>     [
>>       'title': {
>>         name: 'title',
>>         # ...
>>       },
>>     ]
>>   end
>>   def set(current_state, target_state, noop: false)
>>     target_state.each do |title, resource|
>>       # ...
>>     end
>>   endend
>> The get method returns a Hash of all resources currently available,
>> keyed by their title. If the get method raises an exception, the
>> implementation is marked as unavailable during the current run, and all
>> resources of its type will fail. The error message will be reported to the
>> user.
>> The set method updates resources to the state defined in target_state.
>> For convenience, current_state contains the last available system state
>> from a prior get call. When noop is set to true, the implementation must
>> not change the system state, but only report what it would change.
>> <>Runtime
>> Environment
>> The primary runtime environment for the implementation is the puppet
>> agent, a long-running daemon process. The implementation can also be used
>> in the puppet apply command, a one-shot version of the agent, or the puppet
>> resource command, a short-lived CLI process for listing or managing a
>> single resource type. Other callers who want to access the implementation
>> will have to emulate those environments. In any case the registered block
>> will be surfaced in a clean class which will be instantiated once for each
>> transaction. The implementation can define any number of helper methods to
>> support itself. To allow for a transaction to set up the prerequisites for
>> an implementation, and use it immediately, the provider is instantiated as
>> late as possible. A transaction will usually call get once, and may call
>> set any number of times to effect change. The host object can be used to
>> cache ephemeral state during execution. The implementation should not try
>> to cache state beyond the transaction, to avoid interfering with the agent
>> daemon. In many other cases caching beyond the transaction won't help
>> anyways, as the hosting process will only manage a single transaction.
>> <>
>> Utilities
>> The runtime environment provides some utilities to make the
>> implementation's life easier, and provide a uniform experience for its
>> users.
>> <>
>> Commands
>> To use CLI commands in a safe and comfortable manner, the implementation
>> can use the commands method to access shell commands. You can either use
>> a full path, or a bare command name. In the latter case puppet will use the
>> system PATH setting to search for the command. If the commands are not
>> available, an error will be raised and the resources will fail in this run.
>> The commands are aware of whether noop is in effect or not, and will skip
>> the actual execution if necessary.
>> Puppet::ResourceImplementation.register('apt_key') do
>>   commands apt_key: '/usr/bin/apt-key'
>>   commands gpg: 'gpg'
>> This will create methods called apt_get, and gpg, which will take CLI
>> arguments without any escaping, and run them in a safe environment (clean
>> working directory, clean environment). For example to call apt-key to
>> delete a specific key by id:
>> apt_key 'del', key_id
>> By default the stdout of the command is logged to debug, while the stderr
>> is logged to warning. To access the stdout in the implementation, use the
>> command name with _lines appended, and process it through the returned
>> Enumerable <> line-by-line. For
>> example, to process the list of all apt keys:
>> apt_key_lines(%w{adv --list-keys --with-colons --fingerprint 
>> --fixed-list-mode}).collect do |line|
>>   # process each line here, and return a resultend
>> Note: the output of the command is streamed through the Enumerable. If
>> the implementation requires the exit value of the command before
>> processing, or wants to cache the output, use to_a to read the complete
>> stream in one go.
>> If the command returns a non-zero exit code, an error is signalled to
>> puppet. If this happens during get, all managed resources of this type
>> will fail. If this happens during a set, all resources that have been
>> scheduled for processing in this call, but not yet have been marked as a
>> success will be marked as failed. To avoid this behaviour, call the try_
>> prefix variant. In this (hypothetical) example, apt-key signals already
>> deleted keys with an exit code of 1, which is OK when the implementation
>> is trying to delete the key:
>> try_apt_key 'del', key_id
>> if [0, 1].contains $?.exitstatus
>>   # success, or already deletedelse
>>   # failend
>> The exit code is signalled through the ruby standard variable $? as a
>> Process::Status object <>
>> <>Logging
>> and Reporting
>> The implementation needs to signal changes, successes and failures to the
>> runtime environment. The logger provides a structured way to do so.
>> <>General
>> messages
>> To provide feedback about the overall operation of the implementation,
>> the logger provides the usual set of loglevel
>> <>
>> methods that take a string, and pass that up to puppet's logging
>> infrastructure:
>> logger.warning("Unexpected state detected, continuing in degraded mode.")
>> will result in the following message:
>> Warning: apt_key: Unexpected state detected, continuing in degraded mode.
>>    - debug: detailed messages to understand everything that is happening
>>    at runtime; only shown on request
>>    - info: high level progress messages; especially useful before
>>    long-running operations, or before operations that can fail, to provide
>>    context to interactive users
>>    - notice: use this loglevel to indicate state changes and similar
>>    events of notice from the regular operations of the implementation
>>    - warning: signal error conditions that do not (yet) prohibit
>>    execution of the main part of the implementation; for example deprecation
>>    warnings, temporary errors.
>>    - err: signal error conditions that have caused normal operations to
>>    fail
>>    - critical/alert/emerg: should not be used by resource implementations
>> See wikipedia <> and
>> RFC424 <> for more details.
>> <>Logging
>> contexts
>> Most of an implementation's messages are expected to be relative to a
>> specific resource instance, and a specific operation on that instance. For
>> example, to report the change of an attribute:
>> logger.attribute_changed(title:, attribute:, old_value:, new_value:, 
>> message: "Changed #{attribute} from #{old_value.inspect} to 
>> #{newvalue.inspect}")
>> To enable detailed logging without repeating key arguments, and provide
>> consistent error logging, the logger provides *logging context* methods
>> that capture the current action and resource instance.
>> logger.updating(title: title) do
>>   if key_not_found
>>     logger.warning('Original key not found')
>>   end
>>   # Update the key by calling CLI tool
>>   apt_key(...)
>>   logger.attribute_changed(
>>     attribute: 'content',
>>     old_value: nil,
>>     new_value: content_hash,
>>     message: "Created with content hash #{content_hash}")end
>> will result in the following messages (of course, with the #{} sequences
>> replaced by the true values):
>> Debug: Apt_key[#{title}]: Started updating
>> Warning: Apt_key[#{title}]: Updating: Original key not found
>> Debug: Apt_key[#{title}]: Executing 'apt-key ...'
>> Debug: Apt_key[#{title}]: Successfully executed 'apt-key ...'
>> Notice: Apt_key[#{title}]: Updating content: Created with content hash 
>> #{content_hash}
>> Notice: Apt_key[#{title}]: Successfully updated
>> # TODO: update messages to match current log message formats for resource 
>> messages
>> In the case of an exception escaping the block, the error is logged
>> appropriately:
>> Debug: Apt_key[#{title}]: Started updating
>> Warning: Apt_key[#{title}]: Updating: Original key not found
>> Error: Apt_key[#{title}]: Updating failed: #{exception message}
>> # TODO: update messages to match current log message formats for resource 
>> messages
>> Logging contexts process all exceptions. StandardErrors
>> <> are assumed to be regular
>> failures in handling a resources, and they are swallowed after logging.
>> Everything else is assumed to be a fatal application-level issue, and is
>> passed up the stack, ending execution. See the ruby documentation
>> <> for details on which
>> exceptions are not StandardErrors.
>> The equivalent long-hand form with manual error handling:
>> logger.updating(title: title)begin
>>   if key_not_found
>>     logger.warning(title: title, message: 'Original key not found')
>>   end
>>   # Update the key by calling CLI tool
>>   try_apt_key(...)
>>   if $?.exitstatus != 0
>>     logger.error(title: title, "Failed executing apt-key #{...}")
>>   else
>>     logger.attribute_changed(
>>       title:     title,
>>       attribute: 'content',
>>       old_value: nil,
>>       new_value: content_hash,
>>       message:   "Created with content hash #{content_hash}")
>>   end
>>   logger.changed(title: title)rescue StandardError => e
>>   logger.error(title: title, exception: e, message: 'Updating failed')
>>   raise unless e.is_a? StandardErrorend
>> This example is only for demonstration purposes. In the normal course of
>> operations, implementations should always use the utility functions.
>> <>Logging
>> reference
>> The following action/context methods are available:
>>    - creating(title:, message: 'Creating', &block)
>>    - updating(title:, message: 'Updating', &block)
>>    - deleting(title:, message: 'Deleting', &block)
>>    -
>>    attribute_changed(title:, attribute:, old_value:, new_value:,
>>    message: nil)
>>    -
>>    created(title:, message: 'Created')
>>    - updated(title:, message: 'Updated')
>>    -
>>    deleted(title:, message: 'Deleted')
>>    -
>>    fail(title:, message:) - abort the current context with an error
>> --------------------
>> Regards, David
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Trevor Vaughan
Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
(410) 541-6699 x788

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