Hi all, we've started landing changes for what will become Puppet Platform 6. 
Here's the News You Can Use relating to the release. 

Scope and Timeline
We expect to release it in the fall, and the major features of the release are 
currently scoped to be:
- improved secret and ephemeral data handling through the use of a new API for 
evaluating functions an the agent at catalog application time (more on this to 
come, it's still pretty early in design)
- modularized types and providers;  things like the nagios types will live in 
their own module and be included at packaging time. This will make it easier to 
get changes into this code and opens the door to including more modules in 
packages so, for example, you don't need to download stdlib separate from 
puppet. Josh posted a PR to the specifications repo describing this approach 
here: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/pull/106
- consolidate the CA code onto the clojure CA and provide 1st class support for 
intermediate CA signing - this means the Ruby CA and tooling around it will 
change in favor of a CLI that supports your actual workflow.  (PUP-7877 is the 
epic to follow for this work)

Branches, Builds, and Repos
The upshot is that the 'master' branch of the main platform projects (puppetdb, 
puppetserver, facter, puppet) will become the 6.0 versions of those projects, 
and PRs that target master can contain larger changes - so things like 
improving facter output, changing default settings for things that had 
previously been opt-in, etc have a place to land. 
In addition to automatic builds that go into the nightly repos, we're working 
in iterations towards monthly milestones that contain completed features and 
are ready for testing and feedback. As these come out, we'll post updates to 
the mailing list describing the contents in more detail and would love for you 
to try them out and let us know how it goes. 
The release packages are up here for apt/yum systems: 
yum: https://yum.puppet.com/puppet6-nightly/
apt: https://apt.puppet.com/puppet6-nightly/

and the direct download repos for mac, windows, and eos are here:

(Note that although the content of the agent packages in particular is being 
built off what will become puppet 6, the version numbers won't reflect that 
until it's tagged as such.)
Once the release is out, the 'puppet' repo and associated release package for 
apt and yum will shift to 'puppet6'; the 'puppet5' repo/release package will 
remain as-is so you can stay pinned to that until you're ready to move.

EOL / Lifecycle of Older versions
The 5.x versions are incorporated into the upcoming PE2018.1 LTS, so the 
branches that feed into those versions will be open for changes. But they need 
to be targeted bug fixes that won't introduce instability into the components, 
so please be judicious when targeting non-master branches with your PRs.
The 4.x series (puppet-agent 1.10, puppet-server 2.8, etc) will be going EOL 
towards the end of 2018. They're already on "deep LTS" mode and only critical 
security fixes and hyper-targeted backports are landing on these branches.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm pretty excited about this 
release; the slightly longer development timeline and milestone build process 
should enable more interesting features and a smoother upgrade path.


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