> On Jul 16, 2018, at 10:52 PM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2018, at 02:40, Eric Sorenson wrote:
>> Another effort that's underway but not yet complete is the extraction of 
>> non-core types/providers into modules. This addresses some long-standing 
>> requests to, for example, be able to change the nagios types and OS-
>> specific resources without needing to get a full agent release out. The 
>> extracted types will be available in a modulepath structure in the 
>> puppet agent package, so (with a few targeted exceptions) there won't be 
>> any user-visible changes to what's available when you get the package, 
>> but an implication that hasn't really come up is around using Puppet in 
>> rubygem format. The extracted types are available on github and on the 
>> forge as separate modules, so if you currently use some of these 
>> extracted types, you'd need a way to get them installed locally.
>> So my question is - 
>> - do you current use/rely on 'gem install puppet' for your workflows? If 
>> so, what do you do with it? (does anybody use a 'gem install puppet' as 
>> their production "puppet agent" daemon?)
> we use it to get apply on machines - actually we package the gem into a rpm
> with FPM but its the same outcome really.  We need things in custom paths
> and puppet-agent isn't relocatable so thats the path of least resistance.
> Regardless we probably could not use puppet-agent even if relocatable as
> different teams do different things 

i see, given the above - since you do 'puppet apply' on the systems would you 
ship the puppetlabs-*_core modules that contain the extracted types along with 
the rest of the modules you use? or would you bundle them along with the gem as 
a fpm build step?

>> - given the above, what would be the easiest/most intuitive way to get 
>> those extracted types into your puppet installation? some ideas we've 
>> kicked around are 
>>  * a puppet type 'meta module' that, akin to a rpm/deb metapackage, 
>> doesn't have content, just dependencies on the actual modules at 
>> particular pinned versions that match the agent package versions
> sounds good, I do similar with Choria
>>  * a Puppetfile that you could point r10k at to get the modules 
>> installed
> handy
>>  * individual gems for each of the extracted modules with Gemfile 
>> dependencies (note: this is a Bad Idea™)
> yes probably a bad idea

I had to include at least one terrible option ... :)

Eric Sorenson - e...@puppet.com <mailto:eric.soren...@puppet.com> 
director of product

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