Hi all,

Here are our current plans for the Puppet Platform 7 release.


The "Feature Complete" milestones, by which time all planned code changes
must be complete, are targeted for November 3 (puppet-agent) and November 4
(PuppetDB and Puppet Server).

This means that all remaining work for the release needs to be planned
during the next six weeks, with the goal of shipping the release on November

Ruby 2.7

Puppet-agent packages will ship with Ruby 2.7 and Puppet will drop support
for Ruby 2.3 and 2.4. Additionally, we will no longer vendor win32 gems.
After upgrading to Puppet 7, you may need to use the "puppet_gem" provider
to ensure gems that you care about are installed.

Facter 4

Puppet-agent packages will ship with Facter 4 (Ruby) and drop Facter 3
(C++). Facter 4 should be 100% API compatible with Facter 3, but there may
be some inconsistencies. Facter 4 is written in Ruby, but retains many of
the same performance improvements that Facter 3 has over Facter 2.

Postgres 11+

PuppetDB will require Postgres 11+ which will allow us to write faster
migrations and take advantage of newer features like logical partitioning.

Environment Caching

Puppetserver will support caching frequently used environments to replace
the current `environment_timeout` setting. This will reduce Puppetserver's
memory footprint, especially for users with large numbers of environments.


Puppet will default to using SHA256 for all digest operations. MD5 will
still be available for non-FIPS platforms, but must be opted into, such as
using the `checksum` parameter for a `file` resource.

CA Directory

We will be making changes to prevent users from accidentally deleting their
CA directory. We expect to make this change in a backwards compatible way.

Platform EOL

We will be dropping puppet-agent support for EL5, Debian 8, SLES 11,
Solaris 10, Ubuntu 14.04, Windows 2008/2008R2 and AIX 6.

Puppetserver and Puppetdb platforms will be unchanged.

Puppet Language

The compiler will raise syntax errors if it encounters application
orchestration language keywords. These keywords will remain reserved for
future use.

Removing Technical Debt

Puppet will remove the following deprecated functionality:

* Legacy authorization - replaced by Puppetserver auth.conf since Puppet 5

* Legacy routes - Puppet 3 agents will no longer be able to communicate
with Puppetserver 7

* Puppet key, cert and status commands

More information about the complete scope of Puppet Platform 7 can be found


Or if you want to look at all tickets scheduled for Puppet Platform 7, use
the following JIRA query:


I encourage you to try out nightly builds from our puppet7 nightly repos:





Finally, we'd love to hear your feedback on the puppet-dev mailing
list or #puppet-dev
in slack <https://puppetcommunity.slack.com/archives/C0W1X7ZAL>



Josh Cooper | Software Engineer

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