David Lutterkort wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 10:49 -0400, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>> David Lutterkort wrote:
>>> Yeah, Augeas should be able to tell the caller whether changes were made
>>> or not, so that the plugin can suppress spurious reports. This could be
>>> done in a number of ways:
>>>      1. Indicated through the return value of individual calls like
>>>         aug_set, aug_insert etc.
>>>      2. Through the return value of aug_save
>>>      3. Through some metadata entries underneath /augeas
>>> Bryan, what would be the easiest for you to integrate into the plugin ?
>>> Actually, option (1) won't really help you in the scenario of 'rm /path;
>>> set /path value' since it will always look like a change, even if there
>>> is none in the end.
>> I almost need a "dry run" model. Currently, puppet seems to follow a 
>> model for each property of "Get the current value, if different, execute 
>> the code to sync it up". So, (I think) I would need to be able to 
>> execute the code to see if I need to execute it :(
> True .. unless you want to implement the logic to see if a change to the
> tree actually changes the underlying file yourself ;)
> If you want to know at the tree-level if anything changed, you can query
> that with aug_get beforehand, but that's not really what the user is
> interested in. If they give you the commands
>         rm /foo
>         set /foo/bar 1
>         set /foo/JarJar Binks
> each of the commands will make a change to the tree, even if the net
> result is no change to the underlying file. That's the situation I was
> wondering about with the 3 options above; you'd really want to report a
> change only when the underlying file is actually changed. And there's no
> way to know that until you actually go to save the file.

I will keep digging, but I think the model now is the "Do you need 
tochange it, ok change it". I do not think the puppet model supports: " 
Do you need to change it, Change it, Did you change it?". To fit in into 
the former, I would need to be able to open up augeas during the "Do you 
need to change it" step, and then query augeas prior to save to see if 
it has resulted in a change. So.. I think I would need item 3.

-- bk

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