So here's the scenario, roughly 800 hosts as puppet clients, single
puppet master server, all running Open Solaris.

Most of them are identical, I have roughly 25% or so that have
different firewall rulesets.

Currently my site.pp looks like this:

# /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp

import "classes/*"

node default {
    include ipf
    include sshd_conf
    include disable_rpcbind

What I'd like to do is have some way to split up the nodes by
classification, i.e. import nodes/typea, import nodes/typeb, import
then have

node typea {
   include ipf-typea

node typeb
  include ipf-typeb
node typec
  include ipf-typec

Or something along those lines, and nodes/typea contains  a list of
all the typea stores, nodes/typeb includes a list of the typeb hosts,

Is this possible?


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