
Yes puppetmasterd has been restarted several times but no luck.  I'm
upgrading all the clients to facter-1.5.2 now, and once that done I
may either upgrade all the clients to puppet-0.24.5, or downgrade the
server to 0.24.4, that way both the clients and the server will have
the same versions of facter and puppet (and ruby, which they already


On Sep 30, 2:41 pm, "Paul Lathrop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you restarted puppetmasterd? Often when I see changes not
> propagating to clients, it turns out there was a syntax error which
> stopped the puppetmaster from reloading changes.
> Try restarting puppetmasterd and watch the logs.
> --Paul
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 7:29 PM, josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The clients still check in every 30 minutes or so, but aren't
> > downloading the new classes from the server, and they wil still be
> > trying to download non-existant classes.  I'm pushing out an upgrade
> > of facter from 1.3.8 to 1.5.2, as of right now 500 out of 700 hosts
> > have the new facter version, the other 200 or so need to have puppetd
> > restarted.  I can enable debug mode in the logs and see if that helps
> > with the troubleshooting.
> > i.e.:
> > Sep 29 21:58:49 xxxx puppetd[17414]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice]
> > Starting catalog run
> > Sep 29 21:58:55 xxxx puppetd[17414]: [ID 702911 daemon.warning] (//
> > Node[default]/dhcp_server/File[/export/home/jrivel/dhcp-server.tar]/
> > ensure) No specified sources exist
> > Sep 29 21:58:55 xxxx puppetd[17414]: [ID 702911 daemon.warning] (//
> > Node[default]/dhcp_server/File[/export/home/jrivel/dhcp-server.tar]/
> > ensure) No specified sources exist
> > Sep 29 21:58:55 xxxx puppetd[17414]: [ID 702911 daemon.warning] (//
> > Node[default]/dhcp_server/File[/export/home/jrivel/dhcp-server.tar]/
> > source) No specified sources exist
> > Sep 29 21:59:01 xxxx puppetd[17414]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice]
> > Finished catalog run in 12.23 seconds
> > On Sep 29, 5:56 pm, "Andrew Shafer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> What do the logs look like on the clients that stop connecting?
> >> That's where I'd expect to see something, not on the master.
> >> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:14 AM, josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Here's the scenario,
> >> > We have roughly 700 OpenSolaris hosts running puppet-0.24.4,
> >> > facter-1.3.8, and ruby 1.8.6.
> >> > Puppetmaster server is running OpenSolaris, puppet-0.24.5,
> >> > facter-1.5.2, and ruby 1.8.6.
> >> > I'm running 4 puppetmasterd instances with mongrel fronted by apache
> >> > in load balancer mode.
> >> > It seems that quite a few (roughly a third) of the boxes stop checking
> >> > in to the puppetmaster server, or just stop downloading/creating the
> >> > new classes file from the puppetmaster server.  If I ssh into each
> >> > box, stop puppetd and restart it, it downloads the new /var/puppet/
> >> > state/classes.txt and everything is good again.
> >> > All of the clients are identical, same OS versions, same patch levels,
> >> > same puppet.conf, etc.
> >> > I am not seeing anything in the logs on the puppetmaster server
> >> > (either in the apache logs or puppetmasterd logs) that is indicative
> >> > of an issue.
> >> > Any thoughts?
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > Josh
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