I'm discovered some more info related to this issue, and it's rather 
disturbing.  I hacked puppetd to print out what it is receiving from the 
server and I believe I have found the issue, but unfortunately it seems 
to bring more questions.

I have a 106 line config file that I modify a few lines in which is my 
template.  The file the client receives has the modifications correctly, 
however the last few lines of the file are messed up.  What seems to 
have happened is that the first few lines of the file have gotten 
re-inserted in the middle of a line near bottom of the file.  So 
basically what should be:

NEGOTIATOR_HOST =\nCONDOR_HOST =\n\n## A list of all potential central 
managers in the pool.\nCOLLECTOR_HOST = host.domain.com
## The size of replication log file\nMAX_REPLICATION_LOG = 640000\n## 
Replication debug level \nREPLICATION_DEBUG = D_COMMAND\n## Replication 
log file\nREPLICATION_LOG = $(LOG)/ReplicationLog\n"

Is instead:

NEGOTIATOR_HOST =\nCONDOR_HOST =\n\n## A list of all potential central 
managers in the pool.\nCOLLECTOR_HOST = host.domain.com
## The size of replication log file\nMAX_REPLICATION_LOG = 640000\n## 
Replica"NEGOTIATOR_HOST =\nCONDOR_HOST =\n\n## A list of all potential 
central managers in the pool.\nCOLLECTOR_HOST = host.tion debug level 
\nREPLICATION_DEBUG = D_COMMAND\n## Replication log 
file\nREPLICATION_LOG = $(LOG)/ReplicationLog\n"

Has anyone else seen this before?


Robert Rati wrote:
> I have puppetmaster running on RHEL4, and 2 puppet clients running on 
> RHEL5.  All machines are running puppet version is 24.4 installed from 
> EPEL.  The issue is that some configurations seem to be unusable by the 
> RHEL5 clients when the puppetmaster is running on RHEL4.  However, if I 
> put those same configs on the RHEL5 system (serving a RHEL5 client) or 
> an F8 setup (client/server) there is no problem.  In the logs on the 
> client, I see:
> puppetd[10104]: Facts have changed; recompiling
> puppetd[10104]: Configuration could not be translated from yaml; using 
> cached catalog
> Every time the client talks to the RHEL4 server, it thinks the facts 
> have changed and need to be recompiled, and the configuration isn't 
> usable by the client.
> Some of the configuration being pulled down are flat configuration 
> files, whereas some are templates.  Most of the templates seem to be 
> fine as do the flat files, but I have one template that I know causes 
> this issue.  Is there a way to preserve the configuration the client is 
> receiving from the server?  I've tried running puppet -vdto, but it 
> didn't give me any information I didn't already have.  Any other debug tips?
> Rob
> > 

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