Justin Williams wrote:
> That is perfect!  Thank you!
> So, if I have:
> Class A for basic stuff
> Class B for system specific stuff
> and Class C for other stuff that has to happen after classes A & B,
> then, if I have, say, file { "/foo/bar/snarfblatt": require => Class[" 
> B"], etc; } in class C
> And then require File["/foo/bar/snarfblatt"] in the rest of the 
> resouces in class C
> Then that will definitively set the order of B must happen before the 
> file can be copied over, and the file must be copied over before 
> anything else can be done in class C.
> Of course, that means I have to copy in umpteen bajillion "require 
> File..." statements, to get everything else in order in Class C, but, 
> doing that once versus continually having to go back and play clean up 
> while rolling out a new box, it's a whole lot mote time effective! 
You can also setup class to class or class to resource relationships but 
it is hackish.  If you set a variable inside a class with the same name 
as a metaparameter, the metaparameter is applied to the class.  For example:
class bar {
   $require  =  File['foo']
You can could also set default attributes for a given resource type 
within a class or specify a list of files in an array to reduce the 
amount of repeated code you have in a class.
> Thanks again!!
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Teyo Tyree <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hey Zoniguana,
>     zoniguana wrote:
>>     I'm probably being dense here, but....
>>     Is if possible to include a class, onlyif a given file exists?
>>     If not, can I put an onlyif in all the file/cron/service/etc
>>     statements, so that they are only executed once that file is put in
>>     place (I.e. only run phase 2 of the configging once a file is in place
>>     to confirm that ALL of phase 1 is done)?
>     You probably want to use the 'require' or 'before' metaparameters
>     here.  These Metaparameters establish ordering relationships
>     between classes and resources i.e.:
>     file {"foo":
>         path => "/etc/foo",
>         content => "the sets up the bar service"
>     }
>     service {"bar":
>         ensure => running,
>         enabled = true,
>         require => File["foo"]
>     }
>     This sets up a relationship between the File["foo"] resource and
>     the Service["bar"] resource such that the File['foo'] must exist
>     before the Service["bar"] is started.  The same holds true for
>     class relationships i.e.:
>     class foo {
>         file {"foo":
>             path => "/etc/foo",
>             content => "the sets up the bar service"
>         }
>         user {"foo":
>            ensure => present
>         }
>     }
>     service{"bar":
>         ensure => running,
>         enabled = true,
>         require => Class["foo"]
>     }
>     In this case, all the conditions of resources defined in
>     Class["foo"] must be satisfied before Service["bar"] is started. 
>     The before metaparameter just sets up the reverse relationship
>     between classes and resources.
>>     A little confused on trying to find a way to order classes, if I can
>>     manage it....
>>     i.e. make all the basic stuff happen, then make some other stuff
>>     happen, then make the most advanced stuff (that relies on everything
>>     else being done first) happen.
>     -teyo
>     -- 
>     Those who claim the dead never return to life haven't ever been around 
> here at quitting time.
>     Teyo Tyree ::: http://reductivelabs.com ::: +1.615.275.5066
> >


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