On Wed, 05 Nov 2008 17:37:45 +0100
Peter Meier wrote:

> Hi
Hi pete,
> > how may I do something like:
> >   file { "/usr/local/sbin/*":
> >                 ensure => file,
> >                 owner  => "root",
> >                 group  => "root",
> >                 mode   => "700",
> >                 source =>
> > "puppet://gridinstall01.pic.es/files/usr/local/sbin/", }
> > 
> > Cause it creates a wildcard:
> > 
> > #ls /usr/local/sbin/\*/
> > 
> > Do I have to manage file by file? Is there any possibility os
> > copying recursively? 
> > 
> no, just remove the wildcard from your file definition, as well the
> the "ensure => file". You want to manage the directory, if you want to
> manage every file in this directory.

Sorry, I don't get you...

I want to manage each file in the directory, and, obviously, the
directoy itself.
(Maybe a scp example will clarify my problem: scp
server:/path/* /path/*)

So, you say something like:
    file { "/usr/local/sbin/":
                ensure => directory,
                owner  => "root",
                group  => "root",
                mode   => "755",
                source => "puppet://gridinstall01.pic.es/files/usr/local/sbin/",

cause it does nothing. Neither if I try 
    file { "/usr/local/sbin/":
                owner  => "root",
                group  => "root",
                mode   => "755",
                source => "puppet://gridinstall01.pic.es/files/usr/local/sbin/",
# ls usr/local/sbin/
autofs.sh  kill_orphans.pl  ssh_sensor.sh  wn_mem.sh

# ls -lsa /usr/local/sbin/
total 16
8 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Nov  5 17:45 .
8 drwxr-xr-x  13 root root 4096 Nov  5 14:32 ..

> greets pete
Thanks for your reply,

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