>>> Unfortunately, in-situ file editing does not seem to be one of puppet's
>>> strong  points at the moment so you may find yourself copying in lots of
>>> files or using workarounds involving exec.
>> I think I only do that a few times but was hoping there were some easy
>> ways to manage:
>> * User Setting Requirements
>>  - MAX, MIN days etc.
>>  - Password Complexity
>>  - etc. etc.
>> * PAM Settings
>>  - setting etc.
>> I guess each of these could use the file copy/module method but that
>> is just a step above cat > EOF which hopefully we can all get away
>> from at some point :). It adds an upkeep layer that I was hoping
>> puppet would allow me to avoid.

You will be amazed at what templating can do for you here. The
generate function and content attribute has alot of interesting
possibilities to help with this. Assuming you have more or less
standard setting but need to do small tweaks, you use generate
function to call a server side script to create the file data on the
fly from facts and policy scripts. also I see no one has pointed that
if you have a large number of nodes you will probably want to use and
LDAP tree for your node declarations. It is a bit more versatile than
in manifest node definitions and is easier to parse for security audit

>> Following that same naming scheme
>>> you could create modules in the same way eg /etc/puppet/modules/GEN006255
>>> which would contain subdirs files/ manifests/ templates. The possible
>>> advantage of using that is that your tags would reflect the compliance
>>> points. The downside is that you'll probably need a look up sheet to remind
>>> yourself what each bit is doing
>> Agreed. But again, I want to try to keep the coding a level above,
>> like separating implementation from interface as it were. I want to
>> try and make my classes, templates and facts reuseable to other users
>> if I can.

The key here is learning to think like puppet. That is the absolute
hardest part of the equation. Only suggestion I have to help here is
to go back through the examples in Pulling Strings and understand who
the approach there differs from the procedural or "SSH" approach.

>> One goal here would be the ability to create an appliance ( apache,
>> mysql, postgresql, postfix, etc. ) That can easily grab all my orgs
>> requirements and push them to the OS layer, App layer etc. Only
>> pulling the pieces of interest to the installed baseline.
>> Another goal is to remove the hard tie to organization specific
>> mappings and help generalize to the best practice. At least that is my
>> goal :).

>> Totally agree. I have read the Pulling Strings book. Is there another
>> book. Google doesn't seem to think so. I want to make this CM and IA
>> stuff easy :) because I am a good lazy SA :).

Not sure about any other books, but James is on the list and really
good at tossing those useful tidbits of knowledge in an understandable

I don't have near the setup some of the guys on here do, but I can say
that puppet paired with version control for the manifests has really
helped here by forcing a minimum level of documentation to all system
changes and configurations.


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