On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Leah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wanted to move a file from one directory to another because my co-
> worker didn't like where it was being put by puppet.  I went into
> puppet and changed the name parameter of the the file directive.  I
> then created a new file directive to delete the old file, but I was
> wondering if there was a better way to do this.
> So, just to clarify, I went from:
> file {"myfile":
>  name => "/root/myfile",
>  ...
> }
> to:
> file {"myfile":
>  name => "/newdirectory/myfile",
>  ...
> }
> file {"deleteoldlocationofmyfile":
>  name => "/root/myfile",
>  ensure => absent,
> }
> I just feel like moving the location of a file will cause bloat of
> configurations in puppet, but maybe I'm missing some great parameter.
That is really about the way to do it. Don't for get that after it has
run for awhile and all teh clients have resynced to the new location
you can remove the code needed to delete the old location.


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