On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:14:32PM -0800, Adam Jacob wrote:

> It's not like you can use the facts in a template directly.


> Yep - the only reason you would care is if you can't access facts from  
> Node A in a template on Node B via stored configs, whcih I don't  
> believe you can at this stage.  If you query them via iClassify, you  
> could.

Which is what I'm interested in doing :-)

Based on the second quote, there, if I'm understanding this correctly, I could
do something like (stealing a bit from the Capistrano example):

--- /etc/hosts.erb
<% require 'iclassify'
# More setup goes here

ic = IClassify::Client.new(ic_server, ic_user, ic_password)
nodes = ic.search('tag:web-server', [ 'fqdn', 'ipaddress' ]) %>

<% nodes.each do |n| %>
  <%= n.attrib?('ipaddress') %> <%= n.attrib('fqdn') %> 
<% end %>

Am I correct?

(Now that I think about it, if I am, I can just write my own class to query the
stored configs and be done with it :-)

> > I'm not so much interested in the performance difference, but if I'm  
> > installing
> > a bunch of new packages in Debian, I would want them to install  
> > together to
> > avoid pulling incorrect dependencies.  If they install one at a  
> > time, one
> > package might pull in a package I don't want (to satisfy a  
> > dependency I'm
> > intending to satisfy with another package).
> >
> > It's not a big deal, as I've had to solve that problem already (just  
> > create
> > meta-packages that depend on the real packages you want to install),  
> > but
> > prefetch and flush would be a better way to do it.
> Gotcha - yeah, puppet has no way to handle this right now.

Maybe I'll take this to the dev list after the holidays to get some help
working on it.  It's something I'd like to use.


Eric Gerlach, Network Administrator
Federation of Students
University of Waterloo
p: (519) 888-4567 x36329
e: egerl...@feds.uwaterloo.ca

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