On Dec 31, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Andrew Shafer wrote:

> Two questions
> Can we see the provider code? (specifically the line that starts the  
> block)

Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgutil, :parent => :sun, :source  
=> :sun do

Turns out there are some differences in implementation between pkgutil  
and pkg-get.  I'm not good enough at puppet plugin development nor  
ruby to fix the plugin, but I'll keep trying.

> Does it work on the next pass?
> Also, for the plugin the dir structure should end 'package/pkgutil.rb'

Ah, of course.  After fixing that the plugin approach works.

> Andrew
> On 12/31/08, Carl Caum <carl.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have written a custom package provider for the pkgutil utility on
>> Solaris 10.  Pkgutil replaces pkg-get which is not deprecated.  All I
>> did was modify the Blastwave provider to use pkgutil instead of pkg-
>> get.  I've tried two approaches to get the provider on to the client.
>> First, I created a plugin.  I created a module called package to
>> contain the plugin.  The only file in the plugin is:
>> /etc/puppet/modules/package/plugins/puppet/provider/pkgutil/ 
>> pkgutil.rb
>> The plugin syncs just fine to the client and the pkgutil.rb file is
>> placed in /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/pkgutil/
>> However, puppetd does not see the provider and the compilation of the
>> manifest fails with "Parameter provider failed: Invalid package
>> provider 'pkgutil' "
>> The second thing I tried is to create a file resource placing the
>> pkgutil.rb file in to the proper place on the client.  Then I added a
>> require parameter as a default parameter to the package resource.
>> However, this didn't work either.  My manifest looks like this:
>>     Package {
>>         provider => "pkgutil",
>>         require => File["/opt/csw/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/
>> puppet-0.24.7/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgutil.rb"],
>>      }
>>     file {"/opt/csw/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/puppet-0.24.7/lib/puppet/
>> provider/package/pkgutil.rb":
>>         ensure => present,
>>         source => "puppet://puppet/files/pkgutil.rb",
>>     }
>> Puppetd doesn't seem to execute the require when it encounters a
>> package resource such as samba. So I get the "Parameter provider
>> failed: Invalid package provider 'pkgutil' "  error.
>> This seems oddly similar to this issue which doesn't seem to be
>> solved:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/browse_thread/thread/52072faf98706b86?pli=1
>> Any ideas?
> >

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