On Jan 23, 2009, at 3:14 AM, Alban Peignier wrote:

> Hi All,
> By working on our bootstrap puppet scripts (executed wih standalone
> puppet), I found a difference between pipe and file parsing :
> A simple file with a content :
>  $ cat withdollar.pp
>  file { "/tmp/withdoller.txt":
>    content => 'something like echo $1'
>  }
> When puppet parses the file :
>  $ puppet withdollar.pp
>  notice: //File[/tmp/withdoller.txt]/content: created file with
> contents {md5}43f1e562200b79e68ebaf15cd956eaa3
> When puppet parses stdin :
>  $ cat withdollar.pp | puppet
>  Could not parse for environment production: Could not find value  
> for $1
> I use "puppet pipes" to bootstrap servers, something like :
>  cat manifests/bootstrap/newserver.pp | ssh newserver sudo puppet
> The workaround is simple (but longer) :
>  cat manifests/bootstrap/newserver.pp | ssh newserver "cat - >
> /tmp/bootstrap.pp && sudo puppet /tmp/bootstrap.pp"

Wow, that's, um, wow.  Kinda speechless.

Could it be related to shell quoting?  I wouldn't think so, because I  
don't think the shell interprets the stdout, but they should behave  
exactly the same.

Could you file this as a bug?

> PS. May be my first message in this list, so : "mille mercis pour cet
> outil fantastique !" :-)

/me fails to dredge up rusty Français from college

Welcome to the community, and thanks. :)

The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good,
in spite of all the people who say he is very good. -- Robert Graves
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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